You’re confusing vegetarian and vegan.
You’re confusing vegetarian and vegan. could try, but I think adding milk protein or gelatin may screw up the sponge.
You heard him wrong...
This is the most ridiculous fucking thing I have read on here in a long fucking time. This site and it’s brother/sister sites being what they are, that says a lot. Your Headline is as intentionally (I’d like to even call it criminal because you’re a fucking moron) misinformative as you are at being fucking…
Yet...they’ve helped countless other people. You’re story, while sad, isn’t the end all-be all. You’re final statement is as if your personal experience is that of finality, when it’s absolutely anecdotal and in no way is the majority of experiences.
I felt the same about Wonder Woman for a hot second.
It can be done with a PUG if everyone knows their roles. I’ve got over 125 raid completions now and have done it with a completely mute PUG multiple times. Cherry raiders though? No fuckin’ way. Discord PUG’s are a totally different story though. 75% of my completions have come from Discord PUG’s.
Gear Score matters for Drones, which are a large chunk of the enemies in the game. You cannot have a semi-realistic game where the AI human enemies aren’t bullet sponges and can die from single shots and the drones ARE bullet sponges without doing something similar to what they did when they’re also trying to make…
For the most part, Mormons can do whatever they want sexually except bump uglies with someone of the same sex.
nail on the head
This has happened in multiple LDS communities on multiple accross the US. There was one sick fuck that got away with it for 25 years in Wyoming. The California one of course. Multiple occasions in Utah. One in NY not too far back.
The people that complain about and use micro-transactions as a point of argument for this game really get my goat. It’s obvious you haven’t played the game outside of beta. “A loot system that subtly pushes you to buy microtransactions, for one.” is a complete lie.
I wish people were better, but they aren’t. I haven’t a single problem with porn performers or anyone that chooses to perform in front of a camera or be on stage in the public domain. That being said, mainstream performers have been dealing with this kind of shit for ages and in much greater numbers than adult…
At least he/she said something rather than just shrug their shoulders and say “meh”.
Yup, canceled mine right after purchase. I’ll get the music until the 22nd of next month though.
Yup, canceled mine right after purchase. I’ll get the music until the 22nd of next month though.
This is entirely a mess of your own making. Buy/borrow/steal cable ties and self dividers.
I haven’t been able to replicate this. I used all of the old tempered glass extras I have throughout all the phones my wife and 3 kids have accrued through the years and no dice. I used a piece of plastic and no dice. I used a clear silicone sleeve I have to hold credit/business cards and no dice. How are they…
I’m actually down for loss of pads as well. Do it like Rugby players do.
I’ve never heard a comedian not be offensive to someone. Someone will always be offended, whether it’s the fat White dude, Black woman, skinny White girl, macho Hispanic man, the Muslims, Jews, Christians, Gays, Trans or any combination of the many. Even comedians making fun of their own backgrounds, cultures,…
Not a fan of dessert tarts that are baked after filling.