Because legislations like to hide little caveats in their writing. Like if you want this, you also have to take this and this as well as this that’s totally unrelated to the good thing.
Because legislations like to hide little caveats in their writing. Like if you want this, you also have to take this and this as well as this that’s totally unrelated to the good thing.
Jesus, I bet you’re all kinds of fun at parties Captain Buzzkill.
I asked an honest question, looking to be educated, because I obviously wasn’t seeing the correlation. Thanks for being a total douche-canoe in your response. I mean it’s not like someone else politely explained it to me and offered research material and statistics to back it up and I didn’t humbly agree that it made…
Reparations were paid to those that were in the camps, yes.
My apologies, I meant in this life-time. We rounded up Japanese who were American citizens and put them in interment camps during WWII. We also took and seized property from them that were never returned. Then we dropped a couple nuclear bombs on 2 large cities in their home country and killed countless of their…
“The Africans in the slavery business were less than 1% of West Africa’s populations at the time”
My apologies, I meant in this lifetime. I’d also disagree that they were concentration camps. They weren’t summarily slaughtered in the camps by the millions.
And I get that, I’m not saying I understand it, because I am not black and cannot pretend to know what it’s like to be black, but how do they decide who owes?
In this life-time? Internment camps during WWII.
“Caveat: Is there mold growing on the hot sauce? Not on mine. But if it were a white mold, you can get rid of that top layer and continue using the hot sauce.”
I wasn’t aware of that. Very good information that clears that up. Thanks!
Honest question. Asians have a net an median wealth that exceeds whites. They have dealt with not quite the same, but in certain instances harsher treatments and racial biases than blacks. Yet, their wealth exceeds whites by not a small margin. Why are they so successful in obtaining a better status in not only…
I did it with a pick-up group on Discord. I went into an empty raid voice chat and in 10 minutes we had an 8 man team. There was only one person that had completed the raid. they explained the mechanics and we did our thing. We wiped on Boomer 3 times before making it, then 1 wipe at the cargo plane, 4 wipes on B/L…
Tell me about later life allergies...
I’m one of those people that like ugly trucks. If I needed a new truck, mines paid off and until it costs more in maintenance than a new truck note I wont get one, I’d pick the GMC line right now. It’s appealing to me like the last gen F150's weren’t.
I’ve had In-n-Out in Baldwin Park, arguably the best IaO in the country and I still prefer the Whataburger right down the road from me in the Dallas area. While it (IaO) was/is definitely good, Whataburger is better. Now, I’m not saying it’s like 100x better, but to me, it’s the better tasting burger.
Probably the best burgers you can get from a traditional-sense-fast-food chain-joint. Whataburger over In-n-Out all day every day.
Honest question. Do people (men) really do this? I guess I grew up being taught manners. I open or hold open doors for anyone regardless of whatever qualifiers they may have. Same with sidewalks, I step to the left if I am facing oncoming street traffic and to the right if my back is to traffic.
I loved my time in the military and I wouldn’t trade it and I don’t regret it. However, this little quote hits home hard. It’s exactly how I feel and it can be absolutely crippling at times. Just the thought of being in a crowd and with people behind me makes me lose my shit. Parties? Fuck that unless it’s at home.…
Based on what?