
So, I mean...was he really out or not?

Pretty much everyone should do it before and after.  I don’t wanna touch my pecker with dirty hands and I don’t wanna touch something with pecker hands.

I’m hopeful that it’s not JUST that, but I have my doubts.

Owner sees article....

Plenty, meaning less than most? His argument is that most voted Trump, therefor they deserve what they get.

Not saying this is the case, but I knew a guy that went to prison and had Nazi tattoos.  He was pretty racist before he went in, but after he was in he had to join up with the Brotherhood.  Did some bad shit in and out of prison, but completely reformed.  He had some shit happen to him and changed his entire soul.  He

It’s part of the process.  As fucked up as it sounds, they need pictures at the scene.

Duck fat, while I love it, can be an acquired taste. Some people just DO NOT like it at all. Lard on the other-hand should be your go-to, especially with something like this where no fucks are given. I am not a fan of cottonseed. I do like Peanut oil though! Schmaltz can be hard to find and is not really a kitchen

That’s crazy talk. I used to be a casual and later supervised Teamster in Texas of all places. These guys were a bunch of good ol’ country boys (rednecks). A few were even pretty racist, but kept it low key. Guns, huntin’, fishin’, women needed to be barefoot and pregnant while sticking to the kitchen kinda guys. They

We live about a block from a large lake in North Texas. The cable guy was over doing some work and left the back door open. I’m puttering around the house, doing some chores when I hear this guy who’s about 6'3" and 250 lbs, scream in a similar pitch as my wife when she sees a spider. I come hauling ass into the

I was a casual and then supervised Teamsters in TEXAS. These guys were gun loving hunters and fishermen, “rednecks” in every sense. They all voted left though.  They were about as Conservative as you can get, a few were even pretty racist, but when it came to the Union...they weren’t about to vote against themselves.

Whatever floats your boat, Sally.

Really? Got anything to back it up? The USW, backed Obama and Clinton. I have yet to meet a single Union member, even members that would be Conservative in every way, vote for the Right and not the Left. They’d quite literally be shooting themselves in the foot. You ever worked with or been a part of a Union? Dude,

My my, letting your bigotry flag fly high, huh?  They’re Union workers, so it’s highly doubtful that they voted Trump.  Don’t let logic and facts get in the way though.

They’re Union workers, so I highly doubt that.

If the code is copyrighted, which is a pretty valid assumption, you’re about as wrong as could be.  Are you trolling or normally this lost?

Once you pass a certain monetary threshold, it really doesn’t fuckin’ matter. They can both afford the same costly lawyers and lengthy suit at this point. 

“Your argument was not simply against large increases at once”

“Your argument was not simply against large increases at once”

I’ll play your game, Jeeves.