
“But i find it highly disingenuous of people to pretend that Texas is pure and clean when it comes to racism. Cause come the fuck on.”

“Austin needs as much affordable housing as it can get”

“you suggested that a lower concentration of hate crimes proves that Texas isn’t racist”

You talking about the shit-bags that dragged and dragged and lynched James Byrd Jr. down in Jasper? Happened in ‘98 and was national news. I am not saying that TX is kumbaya, rainbows, unicorns and butterflies. I’m saying that TX has less of a race crime problem than MANY other states, blue states included. I’ve

So, you’re willing to judge an entire state over the acts of a madman and a highway that was built 40+ years ago. *shrug*

I said Legally carrying, as meaning a permit required for him to physically have it on his body. I never said registered at all. Legally armed on the streets requires a LTC in Texas. When you compare apples to apples, or permits to carry to permits to carry, my information is correct.

It’s called the “Safe Passage” law or the Motorist Protection Act and yes, you can. As you can in MANY other states as well.

Texas as a whole, isn’t racist. Guess that don’t make for a funny joke either...

Less than a 5% chance that he’s legally armed. Mass, Penn, Conn, Oregon and quite a few other Liberal states have more legally armed citizens per 100,000 than TX does. That doesn’t make for a funny joke though...

Austin is quite literally the Liberal Capital of Texas.

Yeah, funny that. There is nothing in that study that really says anything except to say it can work in “theory”, when realistically it hasn’t. Funny how the “research” pulls Oakland...

You don’t respond to grays...Well now, talk about some bullshit. I have no clue what the prerequisite is for even NOT being gray. I’m not gray in Gizmodo, but I’m gray everywhere else.

3 of the same are they going to handle the Ammo issue that will cause?

I go to this shop right across from my job. It’s a free standing building, maybe 15x15 feet, that’s been there since the 50's. Two old men own it and work out of it together. They’re always busy though and there’s usually 2 or 3 men and boys waiting in line at any given time. The older (both “ancient” in their late

“You people are all screwing up the economy!”

I’m all for friendly shit-talking in a game. When that shit starts getting personal though, fuck that. I used to run Destiny raids for fun to help newer players get through to content and help them gear up. I’d drop someone quicker than goose-shit for personal attacks. Gaming is supposed to be fun, not add more stress

Well I mean, obviously it needs to properly go through the justice system for prison sentences. Irrefutable proof and all that. However, in a civil suit they don’t need SOLID evidence to win. They just need enough circumstantial evidence to substantiate their claims to sue them blind.   

I bet you’re the type of person who hates Basketball, high or sober.

There are so many others that should be a part of getting their collective asses handed to them over this shit. ANYONE that knew, was complicit with or helped cover this shit up should be getting sued too. ALL OF THEM. Then they need to go to prison. 

The BLT Wedge is the best Wedge (basic white dude ranch)...the rest of you people are heathenous (is that how you even say it?) whinges. The best salad period though, that’s the Sesame Ginger Salmon salad.