You are so dumb.
Fuck him. Fuck Trump. Fuck the electors. Fuck the Berniebros who protest voted. Fuck anyone who could have easily voted but actively chose not to.
I thought the same thing. Praying for her.
“I have a MacAir I inherited from my Dad. I only use it to order Pizza, or buy something online. Otherwise, I use my little HTC 1mini2.”
He looks familiar.
My father, Morley B. Christensen, was Chief of Construction and Maintenance for the Bureau of Public Roads, which was first part of the Department of Commerce, then the Department of Transportation. He oversaw most of the construction of the Interstate system until he retired in 1968. I refer to him as the midwife of…
“Live Gun Demonstration”
I know...I posted it here the other day. Rubio was also arrested in a park where gay men go to have sex.
There are some fun rumors going around about Marco Rubio living life as an out twink in Miami. He used to be roomates with a dude that produced gay porn.
I hear what you’re saying but this is the problem with modern day liberalism...we refuse to get into the mud (pun intended) with these psychos and fight them. Politics has been filthy from day one in this country: George Washington’s opponents spread the rumor that he was a cross dresser and as I just learned…
I'm going to be timing this
The internet fired the first shot, by making us so wary of online ads (throughs pop ups, autoplays, sounds, epilepsy inducing light effects, etc.) that no one even wants to give the new round of ads a chance.
“’s NOT UNREASONABLE to expect the clinic to provide you with the sperm of your choosing.”
This just in:
You know what? As a gay person who’s been subjected to repeated legal discrimination—including being blocked from marrying my partner of over a decade until a couple of months ago, being subject to a ban on LGBT adoption, having to hire an attorney to draft POA and hospital visitation documents just so I could see my…