may the 4th be with him
may the 4th be with him
Who doesn't enjoy eating a little pussy now and then?
Not sure if balls are made of steel or crazy...
I just signed up for the prostitutes.
Sent him home with a free ride from the ambulance.
When you say "I want a dragon-shooting tank asap." Do you mean a tank that shoots AT dragons or a tank THAT SHOOTS OUT DRAGONS... I prefer the latter.
I am Steve Bobs and I approve this message.
Oh crap! Well... THEY should have been more descriptive.
yeah, just a dumb spic that doesn't know Force=Mass X acceleration in this case the object is accelerating to the earth at around 9.8 mps^2 so yeah.... he is just an asshole.
Why don't they use the info from the carrier IQ on who was chatting about what on that ship. Did they make everyone on the ship turn off their phones?
I WANT to support companies that do this. I wan't really interested until this came out. Now I might order one.
how does the second amendment make you feel?
After the fact they would all be called "Red Spot"
lolz at all the blackies? Does that statement offend you?
Funny. I'm all for raping lawyers with my peg leg.
@TactakillChewy: why be covert in space? It's kinda dark... right. So would it be a better idea to have your entire vessel emit light so you can see what you are navigating through(like walking through the woods without a moon or flashlight would be great for covertness and a broken nose.)?
@AlfLup: I hope you were sitting on a toilet when you read this.
@Software_Goddess: The Lord giveth us cancer, aids... when is he taketh that shit away?
@bojangles103: I see boob... hehehe
@jboy06: I hope your preschool teachers who taught you how to read were fired. /s