
What an honor. I mean... I have no stake in America after I retire next year seeing as I’m Canadian/Italian. But thanks anyway!

Here for Mergio’s reaction

The game of Lava, Mustang, Crowds is a lot like Rock, Paper, Scissors.

I was expecting a higher caliber of puns regarding this caravan of Rams charging out of the factory on their journey to a new life. Hopefully another intrepid challenger will avenge this lack of punniness.

How long have your worked for FCA

No more Fusion, Focus, Fiesta...the root of the problem is that Ford is simply running out of Fs to give.

yea, ie - they aren’t really doing what “jobs” are supposed to do.

They’re actually looking through his crotch, at his wallet in his back pocket. Like Superman, except hoes. I believe the prophet Soulja Boy wrote of this 

Great post, great points.

Never. Get a friend to teach them.

I used to have hitchhiking races with my buddies back in the day, and the most reliable way to cover the hard distances (like West Texas) was having a funny sign at a truck stop.

“...unlike Americans, the French are good at building things.” 

Well, if Putin promises to nuke only Florida, then maybe we can work something out...?

People who steal electric cars should be charged with battery.

CL is the best place to find a camero convertable.

Let’s get real for a minute here. Craigslist sellers don’t know what much of anything means. I think many of them just put phrases and words in the ads because they see them in other ads. Rust free, mint, pristine, ‘I know what I have’, rare car, manuel trans, good breaks, $25K worth of new parts, etc.

Around 20 years ago rt. 46 in Parsippany NJ and my friend Matt was taking the 350 version of this, with a little work done, for a test drive. This car had tint so dark that I’m pretty sure it absorbed energy around it like a NJ Guido black hole. Anyhoo at a stop light the owner said floor it etc. Matt proceeded to

I’m not understanding why they need to make up this cock and bull story when the mid term review said that the current target is unrealistic. There should be plenty of power in the current framework to adjust targets without resulting to bad logic. I mean I know hoping that logic wins with this administration is like