
I’ve yet to ever have a bolt extractor function properly or at all for that matter.  I did have better luck with a rounded nut extractor (basically a socket with teeth in it that cut into a bolt head or nut) that actually worked once, but had a pointlessly thin shaft that snapped partially when I first used it.

Bingo.  If you’re ever bored or just looking for something interesting, look up watch service/repair videos on YouTube.  They are very soothing and also just very cool to see the incredible work that is put into designing watches to begin with.

Ferrari stocks are down.

The V8 will never die, it will just become a very low volume thing. Odds are that means it would also only be produced by low volume boutique companies. Think something like Koenigsegg. If it becomes logistically difficult for a major manufacturer to make one due to restrictions, you’ll just find other companies that

Yeah, I mostly agree.  One other thing I’ve mentioned here before is the idea of value vs worth.  People see stock prices and think that means the company has more money/assets than other companies with smaller stock prices.  Not at all.  GM and Ford might have less money in their stocks, but I guarantee you that they

To me I think I’m a good driver because I feel like I have a very good feel for the mechanical abilities of cars.  I’m a mechanical engineer by trade and have always just had more of a sense of the feedback a car is giving me.  While that doesn’t necessarily mean “good” in the sense of obeying laws and all that, I

I thought a fair amount of this break-in was done at the factory any more.  At least with lower volume cars I know they put several miles on them through various loads and speeds and some will “dry run” the engine by turning it at speed with an electric motor without fuel or spark.

The stock market is basically gambling and algorithms. While it once at least made some sense, the advent of powerful computer algorithms telling people what to buy and sell has basically turned it into a game. Everyone knows that Gamestop isn’t worth what it’s stock price would tell you, but I bet the random traders

Apple Inc. could disrupt the automotive industry with an Apple Car much as it did the cell-phone industry with the iPhone

That’s an interesting Lemons idea.  Even if you make your car cost too much, just make it so incredibly ridiculous or complex that no one would want to call you out to buy it after the race.

It’s hard to tell anymore since so many people seem to be preaching that same ideal.  If it was a joke I’d call it a bit of a tasteless one.

Mostly a 70 mph highway, last short stretch is 55. Round trip is something like 60 miles. Some winters get pretty cold and nasty here from time to time though (Kansas). Never said I couldn’t do it with an EV either, my point was more just that I don’t want to live in a huge city. I want to live where I have my own

That would have been fun.  My dad drove a 94 Stealth for many many years and those are cars that have a pretty good cult following and tuning crowd, but also seemed pretty overlooked.  I know they tend to be on the heavy side with all the AWD and other tech, but they are still pretty dang capable cars.

I don’t really think a gas tax should be used for EV purchases. That’s not really fair to help the guy down the street buy his new Tesla every time I fill up at the pump.

I thought part of the problem wasn’t necessarily the quantity of charging stations, but more whether they actually worked or not. I’ve read several stories now where people can find stations lots of places, but when they try to charge they are either out of order, don’t work with/without a specific account with some

I typically just run mine under the hottest water I can get out of my sink and just scrub it with a paper towel.  Seems to do fine at getting the rough bits off the bottom so I have a “smooth” surface to work with next time while not getting rid of excess oil.  I also don’t use mine all that often though, so I haven’t

I guess what I meant was I thought the rules were originally kind of leaning toward making stuff look like a road car.  I guess not in the long run.

I always thought the can was strangely anachronistic.  It always looked like some super old stock stuff that just never got sold, but I guess they wanted to leave it that way.  Cool story though.

Weren’t these suppose to at least vaguely resemble street cars?  I’m down for the good old homologation specials again, but this just looks like the old prototypes.  I wanted something that actually looked like a car.

I would probably put the posts on the outside portion of the shoulder, not between the highway and the shoulder.  Doesn’t matter if they are spring loaded, have you seen a dragster hit a foam timing block at 100+ mph?  It will destroy the front end of a car.  I’ve seen enough people wander out of a lane and just hit