
The problem is the environment.  You can never program a vehicle to deal with every possible situation that can come up, though humans can adapt to a whole lot of those much faster.  The only real fix for that is if you can’t predict and program for every situation in the environment, you have to control the

I’ve got to wonder what the back of those boxes said.  Did they also change all of that text and stuff describing the game along with the egregious renaming?

No, but as he said, putting it in a small fragile basket isn’t really the best option by any means either.

Ah, very neat.  I had a feeling there was some kind of programming built in to at least run the engine every once in a while.  Very cool to see that they share a similar concern with the fuel.  Thanks!

Wondering if the color on the wheel cylinder was just an easy way to tell the anodizing process had been done.  If you went with something that was still silvery or just hard anodized and held the two side by side it might not be immediately obvious.  Or if you had a bin full of them with nothing else to compare to. 

Maybe it’s just perspective, but kinda looks like you’d have a problem putting an axle shaft right where a strut is.

Just because I’m a gearhead and think about this stuff, how many miles did you put on your Pacifica in 2020?  To me at least, $50 of gas is something like 1-2 tanks.  How often does the engine run?  I would be concerned about an engine and fuel tank sitting around for a full year without being used in the same sense

For me it was on the way home from getting my learner’s permit.  My dad had a 93 Stealth and just pulled over in a neighborhood a few blocks from home and told me to drive it home.  Coached me along the way and that was that.  Have loved driving them ever since.  I taught one girlfriend in an empty parking lot one

And I’m sure there were dentists, lawyers, journalists, and probably even YouTube people there.  What’s your point?  You can’t vilify an entire group of people because some of them attended an illegal event or participated in illegal activities.  I’m sure there were other people there who make their money from our tax

Finally, my chance to shine, lol.

So, this is the new mid engine Corvette since that finally happened?  Give it roughly 50 years and we might finally see one.

To give some perspective to the Norway thing (and really any time the US is compared to a Scandinavian country), the entire population of Norway is ~5.3 million people (according to Google at least). The population of NYC is 8+ million. The landmass of Norway is ~150,000 square miles. That’s roughly the same size as

I think the $80k for a Toyota is the part that is keeping it from selling.  That’s not to say that the car isn’t worth it or that Toyota can’t make something in that price range, but they are just weighed down by their name, at least here in the States.  They have some prestigious cars in Japan, but not so much on

Dealers just need to convert to service centers.  If selling the car is the hard part that doesn’t make you much money, just get rid of that bit and keep the part you do want.  EVs will break/fail/malfunction.  While some people might want to figure out how to fix it themselves, there will still be a large portion

One longish trip to the middle of nowhere took three trips to the Tesla Supercharger, though if the car had been plugged in the night before we left, it would have needed just two.

I can understand some of that stuff based on just having to turn features on or off or setting up how they work. My wife and I just bought a new 4Runner and one of the first things we changed was how the door locks work. The default setting has all doors unlock when the car is put in park and lock when going over 15

I had a 2000 XKR that had one of the best audio systems I’ve heard in a car in stock form.  I loved that system and miss it to this day, but I do enjoy the car that replaced it quite a bit.  The audio will never stack up though because the second I start the car all of the bass is completely overwhelmed by the

Easy, the Super Stock Dart:

My wife and I just bought a 2021 4Runner and it has the new LED headlights.  I think it’s the same projector housing as the previous models, but they are fantastic and really light up the road nicely.

I still have my 71 that was my first car. Love the way it looks.