
The problem, of course, is that racism refers to overarching power structures, not if an innocuous word made you feel bad.”

It’s easy to say we should give up gasoline.... when you live in a major city.

Victoria, I think you’re looking at it the wrong way.

You know what they call this? An accident. Most accidents are avoidable, doesn’t make them not accidents. 

Is it really an “endemic” problem though? Is it regularly found in American cities? Or would you say it’s more accurately described as a freak accident that happens a few times per year in a country with 328,200,000 people?

EEO is fair and logical. Diversity for the sake of diversity is stupid. Being non-exclusionary is not the same as being necessarily-diverse.  Businesses exist to make money, not friends. Anything they can do to ethically attain that goal should not be regulated. Not having employees who are not <insert race/gender/ethn

The ME Four-Twelve

Nothing like stereotyping all pick up truck drivers. But then again, that type of talk is cheered and touted here as spectacularly “woke” because your liberal views are the only views that could be right, considering that anyone who thinks otherwise is an ignorant redneck, eh?  Kind of funny how all of these open

So, to be clear, what is your point exactly? That protesters only have a voice if they’re caricatures of the issue? What is wrong with people trying to improve the optics of the situation - and I do not mean to ‘white wash’ I mean to appear more polished. These guys are trying to stand in solidarity with people that

Looks like it’s capable of some pretty serious speed. I just hope it’s got good brakes, cause it’s gonna be important when you need to … Stapp.

Setting aside your point, there is also the fact that the Honda Fit is a perfectly reasonable and safe family car. It’s not like she is driving an old Dodge Omni.

So it’s no longer possible to just enjoy something without dissecting it to be sure all the enjoyment is drained?

I understand that this is mainly picking on a ridiculous New York Post article (which is probably redundant), but I feel like this great movie is now balancing on the precipice of being a poster child for a bunch of hot button political topics, and I only ask: can we not?

You need a V10.

This is cool and all but I NEED that Katana-style steering wheel

You’re getting the boot. 

PSGWSP - Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes.

Or and I’m spitballing here. Let idiots continue to do dumb stuff and send them to jail. A bit of punishment via natural selection. If you are dumb enough to do post evidence online, then why not make it easier on the police?

That’s a mighty nice Acurrarilarenborghini ya got there.

Not only that, but you can get a rough measurement for the speed of light from the dead spots in your microwave! Folks recommend using chocolate bars or marshmallows lined up on a tray. If you just start to melt the candy on the tray, you can see the peaks and troughs in each wave by the spots that melt first.