
I’m not sure the motor was really the hard part with EV swaps. I think the bigger challenge is batter packs and potentially power distribution (if that’s not handled inside this motor unit already). You’re kind of stuck with trying to use a pack out of an existing EV, which is not nearly as friendly to try to put into

I feel like I would do something similar.  It would depend on what I drove up in.  In the case of my 67 Dart I would just point to it and tell the person” see that car out there?  I rebuilt that entire car myself, I don’t need an extended warranty”.

That basically sums it up for me too. I find them really annoying since they are constantly swinging through your field of view, so the longer I can keep them off and still see fine the better. My car also has a very steep windshield that pretty effectively auto sheds water above 40 mph.

That basically sums it up for me too. I find them really annoying since they are constantly swinging through your field of view, so the longer I can keep them off and still see fine the better. My car also has a very steep windshield that pretty effectively auto sheds water above 40 mph.

i guess it’s the short cycles part that I was also thinking.  With short update cycles and rule sets things can keep evolving and staying fresh, but at the same time it can drive a lot of participants away that don’t want to spend millions of dollars developing something they know they can only use for a few years at

I think the difficult thing with racing and rules is that, to me at least, there are less companies that want to throw money at racing for the fun of it. That means there are less cars to run. Renting out a track and running a race weekend is expensive, and less cars on the track is less fun to watch, so we started

I think my biggest gripe with the redesign is that it’s harder to see all the new stories since the last time you visited.  I usually check the site once a day and would just scroll through until I saw the last article I remembered from the previous day.  Now with every category having its own history, it makes it a

So it’s a Vulcan GT more or less?  That was my first thought about what it was based on.  Similar looks, side pipes, etc, just with a nice interior and headlights to be street legal?

Agreed.  America seems to have a very selfish view that their problems are the only ones that matter.  There are numerous problems all over the world, not just here at home.  Why should ours get top billing?

This is basically physical nostalgia. You always think old games were better than they were somehow. Graphics have come so far that what we once considered mind blowing we now realize is a blob with the rough estimation of a face on it covered in hot glue. Now you have a game that is what you remember the old games as

There’s a Viper in the Vette museum?  That’s kinda interesting.  I understand why, but you’d think they wouldn’t have an actual car there.

That may not have been just for “feel”.  It could have been no different than a counterweight on a crankshaft or the like that is actually there to lessen vibration for part longevity.  You might wear out engine mounts or stuff like that faster without it.

They do understand that the reason there are gas stations everywhere is not because of limited range on cars, but convenience, right?  I don’t care if I only ever have to fill it once a month if I still have to drive to the nearest major city to do so.

I’m baffled why you would remove a game from digital storefronts.  Isn’t that basically free money?

especially when you consider that there are technologies out there now that could cut the annual death toll in half

This just reminds me of the center console on my 71 Vette.  I don’t know how many years Chevy did it, but on the bottom of the center shift console the engine displacement, HP, torque, and compression ratio and etched in.  Compression ratio just seems really random to me, but I guess maybe it helped people to know

Getting 85 HP from this sub-one-liter engine is an absolute triumph, especially back in the mid-’80s

I think there could be some ways to do dungeon finder without being too “easy mode”.  If you made people still run to dungeon entrances and use the meeting stone to queue for instance, that could be one way vs the instant teleporting that is in retail.  The main rub there is you couldn’t necessarily wander around

Ah, fair enough.  Interior parts are always the redheaded stepchildren of the aftermarket.  Understandably so to some degree as those are often plastic injection molded pieces with multi-thousand dollar molds.  That’s one thing I’m hoping 3D printing will finally help.  Would be awesome to 3D scan some plastic parts

I think it’s interesting too that the death of manuals is probably also partially attributable to emissions regulations, but the automakers keep trying to say it’s about customers.  I get that it’s really hard to control emissions when you can’t control the whole drivetrain as a system and have semi-random inputs from