
‘I guess that can be true, but for those of us who are heavy readers, it’s just not a great idea to hook up with people who don’t like to read, or never read. I will never have another relationship like that. Though I have to say, everything I’ve read (ha!) tells me that intelligent people do tend to be avid readers.”

Married 13 years. Husband doesn’t read. Still blissfully happy majority of time.

I read a lot. Please don’t assume you speak for me.


He’s been up for rape for longer than that.

Australia doesn’t want him back either. I mean.... I don’t.

I work a completely fucked up roster and 7 hours sleep would be a miracle. A wonderful miracle.

Yay! And in Australia, they are still $130 PLUS SHIPPING.

Yay! And in Australia, they are still $130 PLUS SHIPPING.

Ha ha ha ha ha

Did you read what I wrote?

My father. My own father talks about how corrupt it was for her and Bill to give Chelsea a job with the Clinton Foundation on a huge salary. He had never heard about Trumps “Small loan” from his father.

At its finest!

I love this aericle, and I’ve enjoyed all your others too. Looking forward to the GW Bush list.

Fuck Chip and fuck Joanna and all their shiplap nightmares.

I agree.

We have this awesome vitamin B stuff in Australia called Berrocca. It is a god send.

Max says Kristen went down on Britt. I don’t think it happened. I think he is looking for a way to get out of his relationship with Brittany.

I bought seasons 1 to 3 on eBay for $20. Not ashamed.

Please Kara, please can you ungrey me? I’ve been here for about 3 years now. I promise to behave.

But she told you anyway?