
It bothers plenty of men, in my experience. They think it’s “gross” and won’t get down.

My mum, an RN used TSS to force me into only using pads/napkins for a long time in my teen bleeding years. I eventually rebelled and started using tampons, but the fear of TSS was huge and I was told that changing them often was the key to avoid TSS. 

Fuck all the a Guy haters. I fucking love him. 

Americans, you have no idea what it costs to see a movie where I live in Australia. Any ticket, any day........ $25 AUD.

Fuck. You’re all bloody lightweight!

Noooocleaaar. It’s pronounced noocleaar! 

Trump wasn’t the fuckin president at the time.

And the horse they rode in on. 

That was my take too! 

I love you so much.

Yeah, don’t waste your time. It’s shit. We are 4 episodes in “down under” and I’ve stopped recording it for watch back.


But...... Movies use them?

Hug for you recognising and forward planning another hug in the continuum of the hug.

Fuck T&C magazine. I would be ready to go medieval on them if I was Monica.

I get this every time I drink wine, and it is so embarrassing. So I went to a doctor. She being a very thorough GP ran a bunch of tests. It turned out I had exceedingly high blood pressure. Apparently the wine was raising my BP. I now take a tablet for it every day and I don’t go so red when drinking any longer.

Oh, and another thing. Do you think that we outgrow books?

Thank you for helping to make me feel less guilty about not finishing books.

The president wrote “sooo” strong in a tweet. I’d compare him to a 12 year old but it would be unfair to the kid.

This is what I have been trying to tell people for ages but never in such an understandable way. Thank you! He didn’t tell her the WHOLE thing!