
FUN FACT: Due to religious-based dietary restrictrions, none of these athletes can eat Donald Trump.

This is the same man who cried about Tom Brady probably knowing that some footballs got fucked with.

Okafor: Holy crap, is this going to be an 81 point situation?

If that’s what the process is then the Timberwolves, Celtics, Magic and Jazz are doing it too with their very young teams. The Process isn’t just pinning hopes on young players but also tanking until you get the particular young player to put the team on, which those aforementioned teams aren’t doing but the 76ers

Haha, I am not talking about games. I’m talking about an entire season. Michael averaged 32-8-8 on 54-percent shooting his entire age-25 season. Kobe has never come close to doing that. Kobe has never crested 47-percent shooting for a single season, and has never averaged either of those 8s. That age-25 season was one

Look at the good he did for The Game Of Basketball. Before Kobe, Basketball was boring and useless. I remember watching games as a kid and crying from boredom. The players would just walk on the court and shake hands for 48 minutes while the coaches deflated as many basketballs as they could with crude knives. Unreal.

Reporters saw Gronkowski in the locker room, bending down and lifting luggage

Dear Mr. Watt,

Those Denver uniforms are an abomination in the eyes of God.

This might be one of the most disappointing videos I’ve ever seen. I kept waiting for the bear to attack him. Bite him, maul him, whatever, just do what bears do and let this jackanape know that splashing water in their face is a bad idea.

Sometimes what doesnt kill you probably should have just killed you.

So you think a young adults novel that dives into things like the merits of torture, the nature of propoganda and whether it’s ever moral to use it, and the effects of war (including the PTSD of its female lead) is “wafer-thin”? Give me a break. You can’t compare novels written for teenagers to ASOIAF. It’s a robust,

It may not be perfect, but at least they are an undefeated 8-1.....

Holy shit I found something I hate even more than either of their comments.

They're 8-1.

Their feelings get Thor too, they’re just more Loki about it.

I don’t hear Rodgers defending Norwegians when fans chant “VIKINGS SUCK”!

I remarked to my girlfriend after she heard about this story that “if I ever get that kind of brain damage from anything, please, pull the plug. I don’t want to survive that.”

To which she said “if I found out you got brain damage after a night in a whorehouse, I’d gladly pull the plug.”

Good for At least they didn’t sweep it under the Asian-American rug.

Damn it. The Washington Milfsdoporn was my suggestion for the new team name.