
Fair to who? Parents who love their children do not allow them to go to Notre Dame.

Is Chris Christie a Notre Dame fan in addition to being a Dallas Cowboys fan? He’s really THAT fucking guy?

In the ferociously contentious contest for worst governor of the Obama era, Jindal is a real contender.


Yes you are mistaken, in that she is doing both. Her theory of what they did wrong is negligence and/or willfully giving out her room number/whatever else, and she is then able to show how that damaged her, whether through personal financial loss through loss of sponsorship or emotional distress or whatever else.

said everyone ever until they need one of us. Then all of the sudden your client is pure as the driven snow, loves lawyers, and wants you to fuck over the other guy, who is of course “an asshole”. But we love you all.

Russia constantly seems slightly fictional

The Celtics this year are a treat to watch. I have no idea why Danny Ainge insists on wanting to bring in Kevin Love. Maybe he just wants Kelly Olynik to dislocate his shoulder more often.

you wouldn’t know razzle dazzle if it came up to you and waved its sequined hands in your face then proceded to carry Carol Channing off on a gilded surrey

Fucking hypocrite getting plenty of support from the big banks, I see.

I think even Demarcus Cousins would agree with that premise. I don’t think he had them removed because he felt they were racist. He suggested having them removed because they could be misconstrued as insensitive given the timing of it all.

I wonder if he’s aware of the fact that there’s this powder they keep on the sidelines that helps you grip the ball when your hands get sweaty.

Nah, I prefer the regular Legos....

This is why people hate soccer. Seriously, nobody even touched them.

This makes me so jealous. My mom only interrupts me with updates on her fibromyalgia and birthday wishes for the wrong grandchild.

“Two guys that I’m super close with and it’s sticky, man.”

So the Broncos are trying to sway the officials by complaining that Brady tries to sway the officials.

i love that cleveland got offended by that and then shit the bed

New Head Coach of the 49ers Chip Kelly is really excited about all the nominees this year. He likes them because they’re intelligent and scrapy.