
Can’t we go with “Per-Loom”? You know, like heirloom.

Yeah, I don’t think you looked very well.


Not to mention how fields (like secretarial work) become much lower paying once they were dominated by women...

Someone else posted this which does seem to get more to the crux of it (and also points out that it’s more than just a liberal/conservative difference in data interpretation at play).…

Oh, that’s great, thanks!

I was hoping that there was some kind of more stringent argument than the time off one.

Real question. Yesterday I was reading reactions on Facebook to an incident where a musician friend accused a more famous musician of rape. For no real reason that I could fathom, a huge swath of the men who were coming down in support of the male musician kept referencing how rape statistics have been proven faulty

Or you’re willfully being obstinate and putting your foot down in the wrong goddamned spot? #youliveyoulearn

Actually, it’s not the same kind of advice. Those are how to keep yourself from being raped bullshit adages thrown at women. Self-defense is about protecting yourself if you are ALREADY in a perilous situation. And it 100% doesn’t have to do solely with rape. To take it further, self-defense and physical confidence

It took me about 6 or 7 months, plus cramps that made me fear it was mispositioned and biting into me. I even went in for ultrasounds to check. And then it went away! You might want to be patient with it, but do keep checking in with your body. If you think there’s something wrong, scream that shit until someone

In Canada? (just being pedantic)


I remember it being a scientist, and maybe even an entomologist, but that’s all I’ve got tucked away in my brain.

I remember reading a few years ago that mosquitos aren’t even really in the food chain and actually are one of the few species that could be eradicated without any repercussions.

If you’ve been in the job for 8 years, you aren’t “keeping making big moves”. It’s time for a shake up! Shake it up!

Here’s the thing about moving in together (and I’ve done it both ways, although I’m married since last year and we’ve lived together for like three years now, maybe more). You rarely ever go back to not living together unless you break up. So there’s really no rush. It moves the needle and you speed up everything

Yeah, I know that’s true. And trust me that I felt angry on his behalf and on all of our behalves when it’s clear how tenuous our freedoms are, but man that guy is a slimy little bastard (and most likely abusive).