
You're a healthy specimen we should all go to for food and life advice!

Nothing wrong with it, but she had a nose job, should probably figure that into our predictive models. Where's Nate Silver when you need him (haha, just kidding, he's having a spat with Princeton at the moment, obvi).

I honestly always find this argument about soy meats so tiresome and one dimensional. See my response above if you want to know what I mean.

Because food is connected to a multitude of emotions and feelings that go back to our childhoods, our personal relationships, our emotional histories, etc. and that sometimes "American-style tacos" can help cheer a person up, even if the beef is soy, because it's, say, connected to a time in their life when their

Don't worry, the people around you have to be around someone so insufferable. Everybody loses!

"writer nobody has heard of" = "writer I haven't heard of" You're a joke.

Uh, no they aren't.

He didn't do an MFA. He studied with Dianne Williams as an undergrad and then she blew his shit up in Noon (her journal) and it all spiraled from there.

Also, the Midwest has "loose meat sandwiches". sjdlfjdorueoirueljslfkdjldkjl

Ah, that explains your previous comment, too. Forgiven!


Well, I was just trying to help before you went all Frakenstein on the two ladies in real life.

Isn't this essentially a photo of Jessica Alba with blonde hair?

You don't do an MFA to get a job (although, yes, I've gotten multiple jobs both teaching and in the professional world as a writer because of it). You do it for the gift of time to write for years without other obligations. If you're worried about being employable, there are much better routes to go. And yes, I did an

One of the writers on the show was at the Workshop in Iowa at the same time as I was (she's also a New Yorker), so I think they'll do it a bit better than normal. Plus they actually filmed in Iowa City (although not on campus, the school said no).

The one this week was great.

If you're so done, why are you jumping BACK DOWN to Earth? Ride that rocket right on to Neptune!

Well, since I ended up at three different doctors who thought it was, and since I actuallly saw the spider (IT WAS IN BED WITH ME, NO THIS DOESN'T HAUNT MY NIGHTMARES, NO IT DOES NOT) it was one, and most likely not a juvenile. A lot of things can affect how you react to the bite. How allergic you are to the toxins,

I was bit by one when I was visiting Austin for my friend's wedding and staying a cute l'il Airstream trailor for a week. It was the day before the wedding and I was performing the ceremony so I didn't want to make a big deal and ruin everything. Plus, there's really not much they can do for you other then cut away

Someone probably answered you already, but I'm in a rush. I love Duolingo!