
Of course it's still about her. Any parent who thinks that life is solely about their wee ones once their born is doing it wrong. You don't stop being a human being just because you birthed one. In fact, study after study has proven that the happiest and most effectual parents are the ones who keep a firm sense of

It was kinda a lengthy piece they did on her. Yesterday.

They can require you to sign an oath that promises you upheld their beliefs. I worked at a very liberal Lutheran college (you know those Lutherans who think gays are A-Okay and women rock and all of that) and still had to sign one there. Although I was told by the president that it's more to let perspective

One more English professor here to chime in that it's always "an" if there's a silent consonant followed by a vowel sound. Learned that in the second grade and it's always stuck with me.

Curious about this. I've always been a 32AA, and I don't think I'd do surgery, but I've always imagined I couldn't, anyhow, because there's literally nothing there to cover up an implant. It'd look like a rock, no matter how small I went. What'd you end up going with? Were you scared of the rock thing?

Yes. I had an abortion and I've NEVER felt pressure to talk about it if I didn't want to. I think it's more about giving women a platform to speak out if that what they need, not forcing some kind of conversation that's unwelcome.

Right, which is why it seems longer. Because they were together longer than 5 years. Although, didn't they get engaged after only a few months?

Well, if Suri is 6, it's longer than that, no?