YO. Ser Davos is A FUCKIN' BABE
YO. Ser Davos is A FUCKIN' BABE
Jesus Fucking Christ on a Bike.
I can’t anymore. I am unable to can at this point.
This is the best take on their video
And he was then slaughtered, and is now good and dead and will be bothering no more the world of the living.
And vaccines have been associated with autism. That doesn’t mean vaccines have anything to do with autism nor does it make people who insist on this erroneous connection any less dumb.
I think Katy is trying to hijack Kacey Musgraves’ style but it just isn’t working. Kacey does it better.
Yeah - I felt pretty sick when a rich woman (face it - past the point of ever needing this procedure herself) thinks that “bringing a revolution” by making things SO BAD for SO MANY that we descend into civil war is better than having Hillary in the White House. I think I will go to burning man next year just to tell…
he’s a goofy looking kid, but he steams a mean ham
because he wanted to ask her to dance and wanted to make sure she wasn’t a man.
I’m being annoying, but Sunny Coast local means Sunshine Coast in Queensland. It actually says Queensland in the linked article. Sydney is in New South Wales. It’s about a 15 hour drive between them. Again, I’m being annoying. So everyone referenced in this article is up north. Sydney is down the bottom, but not so…
We live in a racist society. The reins of power in baseball, as in most industries in this country, are overwhelmingly held by old white guys. Managers, GMs, owners, columnists, the Hall, fans... The supposed gatekeepers of the game. White culture is famously made uncomfortable by expressions of black joy- the…
Nah, I said old white people think minorities have no class, and that the definition of “class” is something constructed by old white people.
The fact that the St. Louis Cardinals and their fans are the embodiment of “playing the right way” and baseball’s stupid “unwritten rules” is all the evidence you need that the unwritten rules are racist as hell.
That’s bullshit. Why don’t you have anything to say about Beyoncé not commenting then?
I have a much better idea than the border. We should let all immigrants into the U.S. but first they will all have to go to Texas, where we will have constructed a 50 square mile maze. If the immigrants get through it, they become U.S. citizens, no questions asked. Of course the exit to the maze will change monthly to…