Competitive ice dancer
Competitive ice dancer
I appreciate the effort regardless.
I think she uses a lot of burners. Here’s one:
Waiting patiently for the Marc Jacobs crazy lady to show up in the comments.
And don’t even get me started on the quokkas.
^ same. My 12 yr old sister just got whooping cough from some kid in her class - apparently the entire class had symptoms. Because most of them were vaccinated, the symptoms weren’t too bad, but they could very plausibly have younger siblings that haven’t had their jabs yet. And this is in a relatively middle-class…
This is such a good comment, thank you.
I’m on the next plane (actually it would take me 3 planes to get there but sacrifices must be made). I love Chicago AND pie!
I just checked the local price of limes and they’re 80c which is okay. Last October/November they were $4 each. It was heartbreaking.
Ten limes for a dollar!?! What kind of citrus utopia do you live in?
EXACTLY!!! And especially if that movie goes for three bajillion hours.
Bless you.