
In my perfect world, the middle, the goldbergs, speechless and american housewife would be on in a two hour block…im afraid i will never go back to american housewife now

I have no problem with Lauren, she is very funny, it's just anything to do with the "cash me outside" girl I find just awful. Some of it was funny but I'm just glad it didnt go overboard.

Style…Styles…am I sensing a little similarity there?

My bad, I meant the character.

Ooo BOY am i glad that lapkus character on CBB didn't really go over 10 minutes of her solo…I was about to throw things. Nothing about that girl is amusing.

I suppose, but it seemed like Zayn bailed early and wanted to be the one who was seen as the "serious artist" and his attempt at it was not great.

I guess that is an improvement from his last show!

Can't someone give Freddie something more useful to do???

I like to think about how pissed Zayn is right now that everyone seems to be fawning over Styles and has basically forgot about him for the time being. And yeah I like the album, he's atleast trying something different.

I'm trying to reserve judgement but Freddie deserves much much better

Well I was partially wrong but that ugh still applies

No they dropped it the minute they got involved bc Erica felt bad for the ex (I think). Dumb.

I just saw that had got cancelled and I literally have never heard of it before

I went here a few years ago and didnt think it was good at all especially for the price

I wish this entire admin would make like a tree and GET OUTTA HERE

That seems like the best route

Reading is for noobs

I was hoping he would be in it more but I'll take what I can get!

I assumed this was another way to say dunkelman is returning, alas…..

Hot take ABC! they could just cgi everyone in at this point, I'm sure no one would even notice