
George Remus is not amused.

Only the very best material for this news!

"Should you be drinking alcohol when you don't have a liver?"

Something about Ryan Reynolds just makes me highly annoyed whenever I see him pop up anywhere.

Mark it with a C!

I HATE the drake

This was wonderful

This season has been its best too

This is why I should read all the comments before posting…but yes that made me very mad. Could have atleast gotten another two solid seasons.

I miss it fondly.

Completely agree. I binged all three seasons a few months ago and it started to get a little tired by the end. Or maybe it's just a show that shouldn't be binged.

I tell ya this show got no respect. AMC would rather promote the breaking bad marathon on sunday mornings than give this show any help.

So does this mean it will be even more difficult to find bajillion dollar properties? I like the first season enough but not enough to go searching for it.

She's gonna ruin everything

Well I for one will CERTAINLY sleep better tonight because of this news

I think not, but everyone is entitled to their (wrong) opinion.

Pine>>>Evans>>>Pratt>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>emoji movie>>>>>Christie

I was hoping to see if anyone chimed in on this movie, I've never seen it but it seems like I should. IMO Topher Grace is one of the best things about That 70s Show.

Highmore deserves better, but if this means he can get his primetime starring show out of his system then so be it. For his sake I hope it is successful but it does just looks so tired.

I….don't hate this