
I haven't watched in a few seasons but it is pretty much guaranteed the last shot of this is a montage of Fitz and Olivia making jam in their adorable country home right?


Well it gives him that attention he so desperately craves

The goldbergs timeline issues are starting to wear on me. I need SOME type of consistency with anything. The Jeff thing that was built up barely lasted an episode.


*sigh* also i wonder why they couldn't get jason?

I read this in Wallace Shawn's voice in Vegas Vacation and I'm not sorry

He's only allowed out between 8pm-9pm for bath time

"Fuck it! We'll fire em live!"

Boy he sure is gonna be in for a surprise when Comey still testifies

Would someone please put Remini in something good

Good for him.

It was hilarious how awkward and terrible Khloe was on X Factor.

I'd prefer more cowbell

My school was never cool enough to have AP bio.

but better* (?)

900 comments in less than 12 hours?! By the time I watch tonight I will need a full day to get through all of this.

I was expecting more laughs

I never want to hear anything about this election ever again. FOR-EV-ER.

Idk her personally, but Bella Throne seemed like she was playing a semi-altered version of herself in that…she was the worst.