
Oh wow…$7.5 opening weekend…chip DOES happen

Turn? Too bad I've never really seen it advertised anywhere

OK but when is TURN coming back??

Hasn't Hannah called her out before too? Hopefully it finally registers with her now but I doubt it

Eh, parenthood wasn't terrible. Not that I have met anyone that's watched it besides myself.

This a SICK world we're living in! SICK people!!

Not this millennial, thank you very much

In this case, it CAN be both.

I just started to realize the other day how much I miss that show…

I wouldn't had minded if we had never heard from dylan/emma after last season


I thought she could have been worse, and surprisingly it didn't really take me out of the show at all so that's a plus.

Oh I agree..I was just trying to understand if he was justifying it by saying it was unloaded so it's no big deal.

So it's impossible to point an unloaded gun at someone? Or am I not dumb enough to understand one of his tweets. In conclusion he is an idiot to the highest power.

I'm sure zooey deschanel posts here…

That would be great. For a split second I thought the person who was gonna come to her rescue with Darrin but I'm glad I was wrong. Same here! I love how much he has grown up.


Good guy sean…I hope someday they get to go to that dance, though I loved that Axl took her.

I lol'd.

I want to like this show there's just something about it, atleast when I watched the earlier episodes, I just couldn't get into.