
I think it might only be down to one person per category if that, but it hasn't been winning the past couple years. Last time it won for acting was '14.

Her smile makes my skin crawl

Does this mean I will stop hearing about this everywhere now?

Anyways,The Middle is getting better with each week this season…I like the brick, frankie and mike dynamic the past two episodes.


I have watched it before, I just can't find get past the fact that 75% of the jokes allude to sex and/or genitalia. For me personally that just isn't enjoyable, but I understand the OP's points.

No hablo CBS

Oh this sounds just awful. Sad!

Yess little people big world is solid

Those damn Chrisleys…I dont understand what they actually do in this crazy world but I sit there and watch that show every time when it's on in like 6 hour blocks. Also King of Queens still gives me a chuckle and holds up pretty well, though I'm sure at it's time it wasn't really critically reviled.

I guess this explains why there hasnt been a newswire in three hours…

"American Psycho extras" is perfect

I thought it was hiddleswift?

The mountain man

Poor, naive Madeline. We hardly knew ye.

Oh shit! I had no idea about this.

I haven't watched this again since it came out..I remember it being alright, is it worth another go?

I took as her trying to describe him better than some surfer dude? Not that water ski instructor sounds that great.

That's too bad because last season was probably it's best.

Brick Heck would approve