Wait, you don’t know your own zip code?
Wait, you don’t know your own zip code?
Please no, I loved D3 but I’ve already played it for a billion hours and really have no desire to play it any more. I can’t really imagine what they could add to it that would make it fresh enough to return to. Make D4 instead.
This is a bunch of worrying over nothing. I got my CPU 6 years ago, strapped a no-frills $30 cooler to it, spent an afternoon overclocking it, tweaking voltage and monitoring temps, and then never looked at it again. That PC runs 24/7 sitting on the floor, with a big side intake fan that points directly at the dog bed…
I haven’t watched much Overwatch League, but that broadcast was really well done. Shame the game wasn’t more competitive, but that's sports for you.
I honestly don’t know how I’d hear about any non-superstar transactions without a computer/newspaper/sportscenter.
I’m not a game pass subscriber, but I believe if you are they give you a small discount on games in its library if you want to buy them. Could be useful if you’re enjoying something a lot but see that its leaving the service soon.
Some might point to the Emmys the show won, but crafting a plotline that could get this line onto network TV is the crowing achievement of Fey’s career.
This movie was very good and nothing about the trailers for the sequel suggest anyone involved in it knew why the first one was good.
Why couldn’t they import my list of podcast subscriptions from their other podcast offering, Google Play Music?
Target audience: me.
The first game was great because it was this open world thing where you were super powered and could jump around the city like the hulk. That’s been done in plenty of other games at this point so they have to find something else to make this stand out. None of the preview footage or descriptions to this point suggest…
I understand where she’s coming from. Blighttown’s shitty performance made it harder to play and easier to die, and that made the area more intimidating than it would have been without those problems. With that resolved, its just another area. Obviously running poorly wasn’t part of the design intent of the original…
The average worker from ‘03 may be making a similar amount to an average worker from ‘18, but any specific worker from 03 is very likely to be making much more money if they’re still in the workforce today. The point about fuel prices outpacing wage growth stands, but “I think most of us are still making a similar…
Your numbers may be right but you’re interpreting them wrong. The median wage may not have moved too much over 15 years when looking at the workforce as a whole, but the workforce also isn’t made up of the same people over that time period. Older, well-payed people leave it and younger, entry level people join it. As…
The Warriors plan B offensive strategy is playing Rockets ball better than the Rockets can.
and it didn’t require the sacrifice of four seasons
Spoiler alert: it will continue to not be competitive in the future
But with only 30 seconds left, the Sixers set themselves up for failure. Consider the best-case scenario in this situation: The Celtics miss a shot, and the Sixers get the ball back with five or six seconds to play down three points. That’s not great!
So you’re saying one thing they do for fun is distracting them from some other thing they do for fun?
I love Tatum, but it feels like he’s 0-50 in successfully running a fast break in this series.