
A thing you might discover if you spent some more time with Outer Wilds is that there’s no real need to fly your ship “well”. Given that the universe is going to explode anyway, 90% of my ship landings left my ship broken, or I “landed” it on its side. Basically you’re good as long as you made it to your desired

We very obviously cannot.

If you have a basic personal code of treating others kindly - which Ellen says she does, and doesn’t seem like the worst thing in the world to me for more people to adopt - it kind of defeats the purpose if that only extends to people you view as good or righteous.

He did manage to potentially cost the league a billion bucks or so, which is pretty good as far as firing off a tweet goes.

The Hinterlands is a good zone!

If they were really in an aggressive DGAF mindset, Pop and Kerr would publically support Morey and Hong Kong and force the NBA to eat shit over this.

It makes sense doesn’t it? The guy who’s only responsible for playing football well thinks he should stay and the guy who’s responsible for the organization as a whole thinks he should go.

To a lender considering loaning you several hundred thousand dollars for a home, your track record of being able to pay back monthly bills on time is highly indicative of your ability to pay back several hundred thousand dollars over 30 years, but not quite the same.

He still carries that reputation, but I don’t think its accurate anymore. You can still see him get irritated when a couple of points don’t go his way, but you can also see that he’s totally locked in before the next point starts.

Please, you know Doc has never gone out for a meal with his son.

Also, there’s no reason he can’t be both a top 10 quarterback and still not worth a shit. There’s like 6 uninjured QBs in the league who are worth a damn.

Re: the “remain unimpressed” strategy

...thanks to their 17-51 record over the past two seasons. WNBA lottery odds are based on a team’s two-season aggregate record...

Gronk will unretire and be back on the team by playoff time. 

I replayed FFVII for maybe the 6th time last month on xbox and I wouldn’t have bothered to finish it if not for the fast-forward/no encounters buttons. If you’re going to make me run 50 chocobo races that I can’t possibly lose, you better believe I’m going to double-time it.

I had read about the timeloop and exploding sun in reviews prior to playing and it didn’t dampen my enjoyment at all.

The first reset is surprising, the next couple are stressful and frustrating, the ones after that become relaxing. After a few cycles, when the (beautiful) reset music kicked in, I just kinda stopped whatever I was doing and tried to find the best view point to watch the end of everything.

I only went to the forge once, didn’t see anything cool there (probably because I didn’t hit the switch Maddy mentions) and never went back. I beat the game anyway and don’t really feel like I missed much. Between the name of the place and the lore you find elsewhere, I feel like I got the gist of what the place was

At the time of this post, the list of retweets of staffers on the union feed doesn’t appear to contain really any of the senior Ringer people, based on my fuzzy impression of the org chart.

Even in a theater meant for one, you need a better seating situation than that.