
Nope - green beans, sadly, are kosher, and mice most certainly aren’t.

Depression stinks, and as a fellow sufferer, I send you virtual chocolate and UV lamps and warm fuzzy socks. Flip the bird at short winter days with me.

Green beans taste like grass clippings and squeak when you bite them. [shudder]

I’ll counter this with Inside Out and Zootopia, but overall I agree that the field is really, really thin these days.

That makes me wonder if it’s from the days when you had to actually heat water up in a kettle and multiple people would share the bathwater.

What is with the people forcing everyone on the bus to watch the same movie? I hate movies where the dog dies, and I was once stuck on a bus watching Marley & Me.

Nah. Some Ferengi actually have redeeming qualities.

Over five air control towers, and one admiral’s daughter!

I was okay until this one, now I’m out. OMG.

Alas, no! I love that show, though I was never clear on the actual rules of the game as they set it up. It was billed as a dating show, essentially.

I concur! The rule of threes in general worked out well for me when I was in the dating game. Three dates maximum if they’re nice-but-eh, to decide if there’s any point at all. Three months to test for real potential.

During Mad Baby Prep times we made a bunch of smallish calzones — they ended up being really useful, because I could eat them one-handed while nursing / holding sleeping baby with the other. We will not discuss how many crumbs ended up on baby heads at one point or another.

I’m in Canada, yep - I can’t imagine that has anything to do with our meezers, tho! Siamese bond HARDCORE to one person, usually, though I’ve met others that just want to be loved up on by everyone.

I bet the asian breeds are amazing for this - Burmese and Siamese cats are the squishiest cuddlebugs I’ve ever known, and brilliantly intelligent animals.

I read an article which quoted her saying that she specifically chose the cgi character for Force Awakens, because she wanted to do a role that wasn’t focused on her body.

My mother said much the same about DeVry, similar hiring situation.

If you’re fighting against righties, absolutely. Most fencing training is about getting around the other person’s arm, and it’s a lot harder to get at someone’s body to hit them if your arms are on the same side. The downside is that you get really used to fencing righties, so when you come up against another lefty,

Exactly. I’m Canadian and it’s somewhat different here, to the extent that we don’t have the private university system like the States, but there is absolutely socio-economic stratification of the same kind happening. We grew up firmly upper-middle (yacht club memberships, but public schools, no trust funds), and my

“But aside from buying connections to other wealthy parents,” — that’s exactly what they’re doing. It’s the same as the public school culture in the UK. The school itself may not be measurably better than the next one down the street in terms of test results (though you can bet the kind of cash flow into the school

It’s worked seven times for me so far... haven’t tried it since this am’s update, though.