
A hundred times this. I’ve seen re-enactor archers manage to Robin Hood their own arrows at ridiculous distances with old school longbows. That takes skill.

I honestly don’t get the cargo hate. Mr. Moose has a couple of pairs, and a pair of pants, and something about the way they hug his backside makes his ass look Better than anything except his really expensive date night jeans. (And he’s a former competitive fencer, so he’s got the legs and buns to show for

Hurt like F*** in the moment, but the increased sensitivity once it healed is amazing. Also hurt a lot less than breastfeeding / cracked nipples / mastitis / etc ever did. (I promised myself while sobbing through nursing kid #2 that I would do it once kid was weaned, and make my boobs mine again. Best thing I ever

AHA! That’s where I lost my 10%!

Or my better half’s incredibly extensive collection of horror and scifi B-movies, painstakingly assembled over years of haunting video store bargain bins. We’ve managed to replace about half of them with DVDs, but not all.

This is the reason we have to keep adding lines to our syllabi... [sigh]

I knew some of the animators who worked on the show - they pretty much universally hated it. Then there were the endless debates about what the hell was going on in the various episodes. (Is he six or seven, and old enough to go walk around the block by himself? if so, why does he not have hair? Is he a cancer

Mine is a wonderland.

Pretty much. Except in this case, the little animated bastards appear and disappear according to a computer algorithm, rather than being somewhere permanently, and they can run away if you take too long to grab them.

Nope — the junior high near me is a gym, and the high school has about six pokestops around and on it.