
I wish I could star this a dozen times. Mr. Moose started having issues in his late 30s but they were sporadic enough that we assumed things were psychological / new baby / stress related. It wasn’t until he started getting angina attacks years later that we found out two of his arteries were over 95% occluded

I’d dial that back to 95%. My dad cheated on my mother multiple times when she was pregnant with my youngest sibling (and eventually left), and when I was at the whale stage of being pregnant the combination of the family history, bedrest stress and hormones sent me over the fucking edge. I was convinced that Mr.

I’ve tried to watch it twice, and both times I’ve fallen asleep halfway through.

My six year old son’s favourite poster of all time is his Rey poster, which hangs beside his bed. (with staff, on Jakku, walking toward the viewer with BB8 at her heels)

This was my immediate thought — they’re reinforcing the poverty -> uniform pipeline.

del Toro is one of my favourite cinematographers of all time. (I haven’t seen Crimson Peak yet, mind you...) My blood absolutely ran cold watching Devil’s Backbone.

Not on Netflix, but have you seen The Devil’s Backbone? It’s old del Toro and it’s chilling as hell. Really, really good.

I have access and can get you a copy, if there’s a way to exchange email addresses privately on this platform. If not, I’m ardatli on tumblr and you can message me there.

There are a number of different mask styles — my better half started with an older one that looked like a fighter pilot face mask, but his current one is about 1/4 the size and really light. See if you can hook up with a sleep center that will let you test out a few (Snore Shop worked well for him). It’s worth the

See, mastodons I can roll with as long as I don’t try and figure out where they stabled them. Being mauled by someone’s armor plating is a whole different level. (and does he even undo his codpiece? that’s a whole ‘nother issue.)

I know Excalibur’s supposed to be The Definitive, but I cannot get past Uther giving it to Ygraine in full armor. I mean. Come ON. These are metal plates designed to slide across each other and they are going to pinch and bruise the ever-loving fuck out of anything in their way. I’ve had armor bites from the inside,

But ‘Romanian’ and ‘Romani’ are totally different things...? I’m not sure why someone Romanian using an ethnic slur for another group of people on herself means it’s a good idea for anyone else.

Add pit pads! We use them in theatre all the time. They’re little cotton pieces similar in shape to shoulder pads, and they snap on / snap off to chuck in the laundry. Even if you can’t sew, it’s really easy to add tiny snaps in the armpit of a blazer, then snap in the pad and way you go.

It’s the little jump before he folds, and the synchronized head-tilts from Niall and Louis that completely do me in.

I’m going to hell because I can’t stop laughing.

I’ve picked up and refurbished some old Coach bags from the 1980s and 1990s, and the leather quality is great! The more recent plain leather and dinosaur bits and pieces (wallets and such - the wristlets are the perfect size for my work bag tampon stash) are quite nice as well. I’m definitely not into the

I get deeply tired of potatoes with everything (ashkenaz, so no rice for me), but I don’t understand these comments. I end up eating so much more, and honestly better, on pesach. We can’t do all the usual convenience foods (dump jarred sauce on pasta), so we end up doing a lot more fresh fruits and veg, roasts and

starred for the Brian Kinney gif

I cheered and cried, and definitely wasn’t high. I was instantly 8 years old, and it was amazing.

Canada and Zone 5 here, with raised beds, and I’d still need a snow shovel and a drill to get any holes in there right now.