
This, exactly. I haven’t killed my pulls yet, but I also haven’t actually read half of the books in my stack because I know I’m not going to be able to follow the storylines... and partway through the first few Captain Marvel issues of Civil War II, I realized I no longer cared. The rate at which they’re doing events

It was in front of Power Rangers last weekend as well. Ugh.

Not in this iteration. There’s no romance arc in the movie at all.

Quick pendantic correction, in that it’s Zack, not Billy, who has the boyfriend trouble / girlfriend trouble dialogue. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, having been a MMPR fan as a tween, but was disappointed— especially after all the hype— that we couldn’t even get a yes or no out of her, and the scene devolved a bit

I think you have many more varieties than we do. We do sandwich cookies in the spring (anyone want some? we have SO MANY BOXES in the living room r.n.) and mint thins in the winter.

Gotcha! My kid’s in her third year and I didn’t do guiding myself.

That’s so bizarre. Are you sure she’s in GGC - or could it have been for a retro event? Because this is the current Brownie uniform cross-country.

Nope - all the uniforms are the same now, blue t-shirt and navy blue cargo pants, but with different colour shirt flashes and scarves for the different age groups. Sparks = pink accents, Brownies = brown, Guides = dark blue, Pathfinders = green, and Rangers have orange.

Absolutely. They happen in Canada. My synagogue in Toronto had swastikas spray-painted on the walls in the 1980s, and had to build a permanent security guard post at the front door in the late 1990s / early 2000s because of the threats. This has never abated, it has always been happening, and they keep doing it

We have one of those near us, but they have one screen, and half the time it’s being used for a student art festival or something.

I’m guessing you don’t follow Canadian news much. We just had a guy released from prison because he was found not criminally responsible for stabbing, beheading and eating a guy on a Greyhound bus.

Maybe that was some kind of special promotion? The ones in the stores here (Maritimes) are the same as they ever were.

Back in the early 60s, my mother’s mother forbade her from going away to university - girls didn’t do that sort of thing. With one exception - she would be allowed to go to the local uni for a year in order to meet a nice young pre-med or law student.

As would Kitty Pryde and Billy Kaplan.

I got to keep the cash, though I did have to bank half of it, and everything that was a cheque or a bond went into the university account. I didn’t get The Bracelet - maybe they weren’t a thing yet in 1992? - but I did get a fountain pen that I still have around here somewhere.

That needs to be paired with this shower curtain:

I broke my ankle a few years back - nothing exciting, just mis-stepped carrying things down to the basement - and I think every single medical professional who saw me at the hospital asked me if I was alone when it happened, where was my husband, had he been with me when I tripped, and so on.

I love this - rude crafting is the best thing ever. I did a ‘field in which I grow my fucks’ pillow for myself this summer and it still thrills me no end.

I make salsa with mine! I did a blend of half ripe red and half green for this recipe: and it’s got a lovely flavour (I’m a cilantro-is-soap person, so I like this one because doesn’t have any). The recipe as written is very mild, mind you—I’m going to double the

From this screen name you expected something different?