Moose Kung Fu

Just spitballing, but since this is a mobile game I imagine the characters must be unlocked. In that case, not everyone necessarily HAS Poison Ivy to allow for “win x matches as Poison Ivy”. Maybe I’m wrong, someone who actually uses their phone for games feel free to reply.

It was people on this website that I’m talking about! I understand that our parents or grandparents might be thrown by the WiiU name when confronting it on store shelves, but I’m old enough to remember the days where as a third-grader I could explain -in detail- the hierarchy of the Sega Genesis, 32X, SegaCD, and Sega

I think everyone’s missing the point that while Jojo is in her late teens, her followers are FIRMLY the 3-9 year old bracket. Her fans aren’t in high school, her fans are my 4 year-old niece who owns 20 of her branded hair bows. I can absolutely understand that a 4 year old can’t separate Jojo the person from Jojo the

Every time an article like this comes up talking about “remember when we were all so confused about how the WiiU worked?” I can’t help but be a little annoyed. I never bought a WiiU because I didn’t really care for it, but not for one minute was I ever confused about what it was. “New Nintendo system with HD

If the moral of this story is “don’t let rich white assholes bankroll any of my creative projects on the off chance that they’ll be taken down for sexual assault sometime between now and the contractual due date of my compensation for creating said project”, well then pack it all up. Entertainment industry is over.

I need more stars.

Gears 3 came out in 2011, YEARS into the PS3's lifespan, after dozens of games running on UE3 were released for it. I’m curious as to what they were trying to do with this.

Man, I could totally see this show having 'New Girl's vibes for the next batch of 30-somethings coming up. Shame.

Apart from the fact that a chat program like discord does not equal a bulletin-style web forum, there’s another massive problem with this: discord is a discreet app. While discord can be run within a browser, it’s not the same as a web forum designed to work on anything with web access. Let’s say I’m playing elder

All 15 people who voted for JoJo's deserve jail time. There's a lot of people in Japan who get a lot worse for a lot less.

Lol you started a new run like a week before the remasters come out? That’s dedication.

Well this is your fault for even installing ESO in the first place.

“The Internet Isn’t Cool Anymore” says writer on a website that is no longer cool about an event that took place 4 days ago.

This timeline is garbage, but it’s also the timeline where Jeffery Katzenberg blew $2 billion and the only thing anyone will remember from it is a few new episodes of a 15 year old cop show with a character named Lt. Jim Dangle. So it's a funny kind of garbage, sometimes.

I appreciate that item #1 on the graphics side of the remaster appears to have been “turn off that &$@#$& BLOOM”. The mid-late 2000s were a stupid time, full of brown and bloom lighting that makes me want to go back in time and shake a bunch of art directors.

In that case, even if the artist did use this Ugin card to trace the art on Crux of Fate, Wizards owns the rights to that art entirely so technically no one’s copyright was violated. As for whether or not the powers at be knew that’s what he did is a different question.

However, tracing art from outside Wizards’

I mean, I actually prefer to play most 2D fighters on an X360-style rocker pad, but I know I’m in the minority there.

But it’s all a moot point considering the  vast majority of fighting game players that are good enough to be at EVO are using arcade sticks, and commonly ridiculously customized ones at that. When a

Did you just deadass suggest that this game is going to cost $30 billion?

It’s surprisingly wholesome at the end, and the musical numbers are shockingly good for a Netflix-funded Will Ferrell romp.

This article probably wouldn’t have been written if the Disney+ shows hadn’t been knocked out of order by covid. WandaVision is wonderful, but it was supposed to come after Falcon & Winter Soldier. F&WS, if the trailer is anything to go off of, seems to be swinging all the way for the fences budget-wise. MCU-caliber