It’s a NSFW money sink for anime bewbs. And not even the “full porn” one.
It’s a NSFW money sink for anime bewbs. And not even the “full porn” one.
“Bethesda RPG” is just as much its own genra as “Capcom fighting game” or “DICE shooter”. Yeah, they are broadly the same with a few new coats of paint and maybe some different locales. You either like them and want to play them or you don’t, but don’t blame them for doing what’s been successful.
InB4 someone points…
Who in their right mind has a PC capable of running AAA PS5 ports and no SSD? That’s just not something that exists.
Why is anyone playing this game? All I se eon reddit is people complaining about the gameplay, clearly the MTX is screwed up, apparently if you aren’t metagaming for 8 hours a day you’re FOMO-ing... Who are all these Diablo IV players?
Like, at what point is the bad game bad and everyone paying money into it is…
Yeah, these aren’t “fun little easter egg” changes, these are “someone had a bunch of final substitutions after we had already shipped to a bunch of theaters” changes. These all feel like the director being super anal even past the finish line.
I clicked this article thinking “Oh I bet they swapped out a bunch of the…
Nailed it.
I’m still waiting for a company to break away from the norm and do this: charge what the game actually fucking costs and then make damn sure it comes out in good shape. Is that new number $80? $85? N64 games used to come out at $70 in 1996, the world won’t end. Anyone complaining about the price of new…
The only way to make that work would be to say Black Widow was secretly a Skrull for along time - possibly the entire time we’ve known her in the films (going back to 1995 is possible), or, more likely, ever since Civil War. To say that Fury/Shield/ Ross/ whoever let Nat go after her sister died and replaced her with…
If this look derives form scan made for western media, shouldn’t good, accurate scans already exist on the Japanese side of the internet? Seems like it would be easier to track that down than to re-scan everything from a Japanese guidebook that only costs $20.
The show has changed hands multiple times since the 90s, and it’s probably the case that whoever was responsible for the bullying is long gone.
Your life sounds fun.
My Kid Buu in Tekaichi 3 was DEADLY. I’m pumped for this.
The Great Outdoors! A CBS sitcom that was neither great, nor seemed to shoot anything outdoors.
Not sticking up for this game, but no, not “every other BioWare RPG” lets you switch between party members. Mass Effect anyone?
InB4 somebody “well aksually”s me, yes I know ME1 was being designed to have this feature early on. Don’t try to step to me on Late 2000's BioWare, I was there.
What about my work computer? It never goes home.
Sims 5 will be out sometime in 2025, stable sometime in 2028, and they’ll release these cosmetics for $5 apiece sometime in 2030.
There are tons of early fire types available. Houndour, Charcadet, and Fletchling can all be had pretty early.
After all, they released a succession of games (Deus Ex Go, Hitman Go, Tomb Raider Go) that redefined the whole concept of a spin-off or mobile port.
This game can’t be THAT good. And it’s freemium, so nobody should have a whole bunch of money sunk into it yet. Go play something else that works. I promise, your FOMO is lying to you - all you’re missing out on is a broken game that many had doubts about being good even IF it worked.
I’m not in the games business, but I do have an MBA and most of my close friends are actual game devs and software devs. Here’s my read of it.
I have no doubts about Dunkey’s ability to pick and choose games and pitches that would be good, fun games if they were made. I do not know his qualifications for picking games…
An no one cares about that Disney Whatever Valley game as much as Kotaku, judging from the roughly 20 articles posted about it last week.