Moose Kung Fu

OK, honest question. Why am I finding the graphics for this game subpar? I understand that it’s early days and that we haven’t seen anything close to release-level stuff, but what I’m asking specifically is what’’s missing? Is it the lighting? Textures? Lack of resolution? I need Digital foundry to explain why when I

Yeah, who is this Cole guy and why do I care about him? If they wanted a young POV character, the games made it a point to give us 4 of them in MK X to choose from...

Right? This is like if Toyota started making bad seatbelts that don’t work after making them perfectly for 50 years.

As a Louisianian with no dog in this particular fight, but from the part of the country with the best food in general (don’t @ me), here’s my hot take:

Pizza =/= casserole. Thus, deep dish =/= pizza.

I have fantastic news for you. The original editions still exist, and you don’t have to trouble yourself one little bit with the lensflares and the missing “high contrast” Virmire (ROFL) that will keep you up at night.

to some extent, i can understand people who are disappointed tha tthis game doesn’t change ENOUGH,

But, save for Tali, Jack, Thane, and Grunt, everyone was loyal.”

4 of the best loyalty missions....

“True but they’ve got to weigh that against all the people who more recently bought Switch and those who they haven’t convinced quite yet.”

This will be true literally any time between now and the heat death of the universe. There will ALWAYS be a customer who buys the older version 3 hours before the new version is

next month: 5 Things YOU NEED TO KNOW about the Switch Pro (rehashing the same stuff)

Could GLAAD have done better here? Sure. Am I really going to die on the hill of judging someone for getting starstruck by the guy who wrote “My Love”? Nope.

When i clicked this headline, I expected to find JT overshooting his ally credentials or something. Instead, we got GLAAD thanking him for being an ally, and JT

I look forward to Jez’s 2 hour, in-depth interview with Guirriero that must be coming any day now.

...No? Just more Kimye and Meghan Markle stories, mixed in with straight politics articles that, while appreciated by this commenter, were 10x better on Splinter? K.

You beat me to it. This is the only piece of Konami-owned IP i care about.

What is it with specifically Trump-style Republicans and their inability to get a suit that fits? Who are these tailors?

Kudos, you nailed it.

All I want to know is how many hours of this I have to let run in a muted chrome tab before WB gives me Young Justice season 4?

For a review that was extremely light on opinions and very heavy on beat-by-beat rehashing of the show I just watched, it's even worse when the one strong opinion in the whole piece is wrong. Yes, episode 1 was the 50s and episode 2 was the 60s.

Moreover, the publisher severely warned the editor for using his own private device during the live stream and apologized to readers for causing any trouble.”

THIS. I don’t care how squeaky-clean you think you are, just don’t show the world your browser history. Someone, somewhere will find issue with something, or

The part that really kills me is that if they had given the game another year, which it needed for bug fixes anyway, it would have gone down a lot smoother if they announced they were scrapping the last-gen versions. Sure, a percentage of preorders who hadn’t upgraded their console yet might be miffed, but I’d bet it

Oh I’m sure there are absolutely challenges in this that I would never I understand, being a civilian who barely mastered HTML enough to fuck up his myspace in 2004. But I’m not sure there’s enough “salt the earth” in the WORLD to match up to the ridiculousness that was the PS3s Cell processor, and we figured that one

I was always perplexed why it took so long for a system that was pentium x86 based, with Microsoft code running under the hood, to be emulated on PC. From what I gather, it’s due to several projects starting and stopping, with none getting far enough along to be of any real consequence.