
Fuck those centrist democrats.

 You're not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say. 

Well I deserve a raise for not murdering my coworkers.

You win that war in 10 days, Trumpy. Then, when you’ve painted an enormous target on America’s back, transformed it overnight into a friendless pariah, and handed the keys of future world dominance to China, you can sit back satisfied at a job well done. Ya maroon.

Almost constantly.

I can just picture it now! A mother is distraught because she just found her only young son dead because their supply of Insulin was ruined because of an extended black out. Then, wiping away the tears, she starts to smile because she remembers that Trump once hosted a beauty pageant in Puerto Rico.

Not sure, but I’m sure “сука” gets tossed around a few times.

He really does think he deserves praise for not indiscriminately bombing other countries.

Dump has often shown that he has basically no regard for brown people whatsoever. Probably doesn’t even consider them fully human. So you shouldn’t be surprised.

I have to say, though, the one thing we can at least depend on the president for is his consistency. In every situation, at every opportunity, in any scenario, he will always say or do the dumbest, most hateful, short-sighted, stupid thing possible.

A dog whistle for the “TURN IT TO A PARKING LOT” crowd.

And people wonder why the Pentagon and military morale in general is in the shitter.

I dont think he understands that we are not in a war with Afghanistan, just extremists that are in the country. So he would end the killing millions of innocent lives that we have sworn to protect?


Nothing like a bone spurred coward who’d DOR from Salvation Army boot camp telling it like it is.

Imran Khan is just sitting there thinking “Holy shit, his hands really ARE that small.”

He also spent decades before he could give anyone a tax break refusing to pay individuals and businesses (and governments) what they were due, spearheading shady real estate deals with fellow rich jackasses and fooling banks. 

Do both and you can be President.

Anna’s biggest mistake was that she bilked rich people instead of poor ones. If she’d bilked poor folks, she’d be the toast of Wall Street right now. 

As a white woman who only voted for a Republican once (I was 18, stupid, and hadn’t learned anything yet. I did what I raised to do...), I heartily agree. Stop trying to court a demographic that doesn’t like you. Fully embrace diversity and be done with it. If all the minority groups got together and decided to shift