the f*ck I gave went that way

Libby, my IQ is in the 150s. I graduated from one of the best Uni’s in the world with a degree in English Composition. I hire criminal lawyers and I hire civil lawyers. I know the difference between a crime and a civil matter.

People who prevent others from being able to execute the right of self-defense are absolutely to blame.

Who told you that the mass murderer was allowed to carry guns?

An office of defenseless people just had a mass murder and you want to dismiss people defending themselves because something might go wrong?  

Maryland has restrictive gun laws that make it difficult to people to defend themselves.

Does it offend you when people aren’t easily murdered?

Trump’s policies? I thought Obama signed that legislation into law?

Welp, Aimée Lutkin, thank you for making it clear Kotaku will no longer have my patronage. I’ve never posted a comment in the years I’ve read this site...but I’ve also never seen it publish a ‘How to’ on subverting some our most fundamental laws and, in the cases of repeat illegal reentry offenders, accessories to

No, a conservative’s dream is people having the right to defend themselves so public mass murders aren’t easily carried out.


Meanwhile Jezebel is posting stories trying to get another Democratic civil war going (Cortez/Pelosi cage match! Take that Neo-liberals!). Is that what we fucking need right now??? Stop making it easier for these motherfuckers to win!

Stop trying to help people to flout our laws please.

It is indeed satisfying to simply dismiss a lengthy comment that you know took, like, a good 20 minutes of their worthless lives to write, and which you spent about 5 seconds skimming before dismissing. This is how much I care about some troll’s “well-reasoned” arguments about how “Bernie would have won”:

“But her paid speeches!” “But Hillary’s the real warmonger!” “But Trump is probably fooling the right- He’s the real liberal!” “But Trump could never be worse than Hillary!”

First, thank you. You are obviously and completely on point.

They cannot wrap their minds around their culpability in this world ending atrocity. So they create a delusion in which they played no part in it, or it was someone else’s fault.

63% of white men voted Trump. Explain how 53% is worse than 63%? 

But like 63% of white men voted for Trump, so... 

Yeah, but he’s a white man. White women are the real problem.

I remember reading Solnit’s book, Men Explain Things to Me, and being blown away by one part in particular, a true story. I don’t remember it perfectly , but it went something like this.