the f*ck I gave went that way

I would argue that reporting on this is a further violation of Perry, whether she was or was not a victim of Luke’s. It doesn’t feel like she had any agency in this breaking and that’s gross even if she’s a public figure I’m not particularly interested in

But no candidate is pure enough. As a liberal, my candidate must be pure and clean. Imperfection will not be tolerated. Compromise will not be tolerated. Pure and clean. Only when they are clean will they know our power.

I have a really bad feeling about this. Pete Davidson is a rather troubled person, and it appears that he has recently become un-drug-free. He dates Ariana Grande for two weeks, gets tattoos for her, and now they’re engaged? I really like Pete, but I don’t see this ending well, and I’ve a feeling SNL is going to drop

The toughest thing I’ve found when dealing with a love one with this disorder is that quite simply they can act like a total fucking asshole. The narcissism is staggering. Mind you, they are ill, but it’s hard to deal with. Then the guilt you yourself carry for succumbing to your anger at their actions can really do a

My parents knew each other for two weeks before they got married. They were married for 66 years.

Never encountered BOPD first-hand, have you? The world will go up in flames at the end of this mess.

He’ll just say everything is fine, “This time it’s different.” You keep pushing and he’ll act personally attacked. He’ll say, “You just don’t want me to be happy.” and he’ll shut you out of his life just life that. The more people tell him to take it slow, the more he’ll double down on it just to show them how wrong

Ehh......because he said so? During his award campaign he went to great pains to tell the world how straight he is irl. Can’t have public perceptions of his sexuality fucking up his future career prospects right? And anyway, straight actor playing gay man is guaranteed critical acclaim (and the Tony now sitting in his

Newsflash! Your Hollywood superstar buddy who easily gets roles that aren’t available to openly gay actors but now also picks up awards for playing gay characters because apparently there are no openly gay actors who have the talent for that part; isnt your ally either.

Not my lane and all that but this seems like excess enthusiasm for an openly straight young leading man winning for an award baiting role. Not even white gay men can have the kind of career opportunities this guy has had so far. That he is now playing gay parts on stage and winning awards for it (because “how

If he has been here for that long then why did he or his parents not attempt to become citizens? Same for all the other “Dreamers”? Over 50% of these adults that came over here ILLEGALLY with their children 10+ years ago never even bothered to learn the English language. It is called assimilation. SMH

Why didn’t the media work the plebes into a frothing mob over immigration when Obama was president, plenty of material to work with there too, weird..

So young man is living in the United States illegally, is given the gift of being allowed to live here, rather than being grateful he commits a series of crimes that revoke his ability to live here. I’m not going to feel bad that a criminal with a history of bad choices ended up dead in his home country.

and? we don’t wantDems to unite on messaging now? Is that what we’re saying?

The constitution does not apply to non-citizens. Not defending separating the families but I can see a legal loophole here because the undocumented immigrants are not protected by the constitution because technically they would be classified as a foreign invader due to lack of legal paperwork.

Aside from the actual progressives, like myself, who only ever supported Obama as a response to the Tea Party.

I resent that. I am a Republican & a consertative. I don’t advocate murdering innocent babies. And I don’t believe families should be seperated. But we do need a better solution to illegal immigration. My ancestors legally immigrated from Europe in the 1800's. Legal immigration yes, illegal no. And don’t forget that

It’s cute that you think these things only happen under Republican presidents.

Didn’t even read the article.