the f*ck I gave went that way

Cross, Arnett, and Cera already had reputations as immense assholes. That actually had a negative effect on their getting work. I hope that this is the final nail in their career coffins.

It might be a “learning process.” But after millennia of violence and discrimination against women, I’m kinda okay with some unfairness going in the other direction.

I guess I want there to be room in this conversation for a man who’s dedicated to women’s rights and equality to also be able to say, “I don’t think Bateman is the devil.” But maybe there’s not.

I don’t need a stranger on the internet to condescend to me about this. Take your #notallmen bullshit elsewhere.

“Wait, don’t rush them! They’ve only had 300 years to get used to the idea that women are people! Be gentle on them, give them a break!”

When men stop proving that they’re trash at every turn I’ll revise my advice. Until then I’m not really interested in your opinion.

I just don’t see why you think they’re entitled to a blowjob because they managed to apologise for one instance of their fucked up behaviour without fucking up even more. Your constant coddling of these grown fucking adults is only going to serve to maintain the status quo.

Men: create a system of toxic masculinity that allows them to commit violence towards women and affords them all sorts of advantages over us for literal centuries

I feel perfectly comfortable shunning enablers as well. You actually kinda have to.

It’s the positive PR provision they packaged in a bill that the rest of is sweeping removal of regulations placed on the banks after they nearly bankrupted the entire global economy in 2008. I’m sure nothing bad could possibly happen due to this. It’s fine. This is fine.

What exactly do you expect “men” to do?

Seems like fair play, given that the basis of much of the far-left “critical studies” thinking seems to boil down to “White men are responsible for my feelings.”

If I see one more article using the words “romantic” or “spurned” and implicitly laying this girl’s death and others at her feet for making the shooter do this, I will set something on fire. Conservatives are all over this, with their “if she had just been nice to him!” schtick that does nothing but harm women and

I don’t just inherently believe anyone without considering what they’re saying. I don’t give a fuck what gender they believe they are.

Miss America 1995 Heather Whitestone, only won because of her hearing disability. She was hardly the best looking or most talented. Miss America 1984 Vanessa Williams won because of her skin color, which was considered very unorthodox back then. Meanwhile I’ve seen women missing a whole leg in the 2013 Miss America

What is the point of this contest at all. If your skin color has not been represented for a while, or if you have a physical impediment, or basically meet the criterion of whatever we are outraged at the time (trans, muslim, gay, deaf, blind, etc.) then you are the winner regardless of what else goes on. This stopped

I welcome critical feedback; it’s how I improve. Major difference being that my job is not performed specifically for a public audience, and with an avenue for critical feedback from that audience, as yours is, so I don’t get as many opportunities to welcome it as you do. It’s all good, I was in a petulant mood,

No it isn’t you race-baiting identity obsessed bleeding heart dipshit. Immigration can be legal or illegal. Your dumbass word games don’t change reality. You think you’re helping, but you’re not.

No you don’t get it, it’s only bad if the people we don’t like do it. If WE do it, it’s edgy and insightful.

I hate this Trumpwashing. The presidency is a vile institution that has been occupied by soulless ghouls since forever. Trump has done nothing more than unmask the sad truth that america is a belligerent country with a deeply dysfunctional government that can only get its shit together when we’re choosing who to