the f*ck I gave went that way

It’s sad because they will reference “faux” news, but they don’t realize they are the fox news of the left.

Thank you for the great example of the problematic nature of GMG. You, like the bloggers who write here, can’t seem to see anything other than an extreme position.

Excellent article, as usual. Of course a person is still Black, and still having a Black experience no matter who they like to spend time with.

Hey, this one came out of the greys! Wondertwin powers activate! Form of an echo chamber!

I have some familiarity with “creative accounting” in media companies. It does not surprise me that you’re being told that GMG is not turning a profit. It is common practice for executives to hide expenses in the budgets of departments and units that they consider low priority, thereby boosting the bottom line for

You mean creating a circlejerk run by a bunch of woke hipsters that probably sniff their own farts isn’t a good business model? Alienating 50 percent of your potential readership by injecting childish levels of political attacks in an otherwise solid tech or sports article does exactly that. Banning those that

1) Gen Z is extremely conservative.

Guess there’s not as much cash in being ‘woke’ as they thought.

Hire some people who don’t think like you.

Oh man, how great would that be if the new GMG failed too?

Please, no man who disdains (fully) Black women, has an Asian fetish, and loves himself some white women can be described as unimpeachably Black, ever. He is just some weird little guy who has a good tv show and also makes ok music...but should realize he is not a singer and makes people uncomfortable trying so hard

Counterpoint: Don’t fuck someone like that.

To me, this story, and the way it lays out the female experience of being considered undateable in our culture, points up something invaluable: That the feelings of rejection, anger, despair, even rage, are really similar between men and women. What’s different, of course, is how the protagonists choose to deal with

Are you fucking new to this country??? You think this is a rich/white/male issue??? There is a contest in this country where every demographic coast to coast take turns being the most outraged over the latest issue. If you think for one second that rich white men are the problem in this country, you’re wrong. Its the

Then I guess I shouldn’t bother trying to explain the concept of ‘sarcasm’ either.

PS. Putting aside for a minute your bullshit racist attitude:

A) How the fuck do you think I am supposed to know what color skin a commenter has? And why exactly should I care?

B) Why the fuck do you assume I am white? because you mistook

So you support rude and crude behavior, just as you have supported many lies on this forum. I guess you can’t handle the truth: namely, that black Americans are faring far better under this president than under the last 10 or more.

What’s a bit of backlash from a few feminists compared to looking like a cool girl to the people with the power to give you multimillion dollar paychecks-aka the 90%(?) of TV execs who are men?

That’s even lazier. Some points in her article make sense like how to access affordable healthcare and birth control because those are lifehacks for navigating government/medical systems. But are you going give a lifehack on how not to be black so people don’t get unfairly targeted by police? Or one for undocumented

I would say 99% of people would associate this with ‘okay’, therefore, it means ‘okay’. If talking in ASL, this is totally different.

This is really condescending and oversimplified and completely unhelpful. I’m a producer in Los Angeles with insurance and my out of pocket for my twins was still almost ten thousand dollars. Maybe that’s not a lot of money to you but I sure did everything by the books and it’s a lot of money to me to be expected to