Now playing

Let me introduce you to “Automatic Mario”. This has been around for quite some time, and it’s one of the things I’m looking forward to most in Mario Maker. Enjoy.

Just make sure you don’t let the random rule spread...

“She didn’t want Lilly to learn about black history,” he said, “She just wanted her to learn about the Confederacy.”

Kids these days... back in my times, we had to create both the bridge and the vehicle:

I for one approve of no flying. The taxi’s are faster, automatic, and they allow you to do something else during flight.

Another thing to mention, connected to what you said about it feeling like 90s anime, is that the manga was written by the creator of Trigun. Just throwing that out there.

Good grief. It took me MONTHS to get that trophy, and my time was something around 7 minutes 10 seconds. A prevailing wind of pure luck carried me through.

I can tell you why, after playing the game for 10 years.

They definitely went too far with the changes to Reputations and Daily Quests.

As someone who started with Dota 2, I sometimes consider trying HoN but am worried it’d feel too familiar but have too much different (names). My biggest issue adapting to LoL is that not being able to deny feels really dumb, there’s no courier, and everyone turns on a dime and can spam spells non-stop.

I don’t even know why this whole “toxic-chat” thing is suddenly an issue when we’ve been doing that in games for fucking years and it’s fine.

I know. The one reason I don’t just dislike, but despise LoL and its players is how they’ll stop responding to calls, messages or anything during an hour or more because they’re on a match. Sure it speaks a lot of their bad priorities, but still the game design is part of the problem.

On the other hand, I play HotS

Mythic Grand Impregnator

A new series with all three hosts that is nothing but the TG style adventure episodes. I would watch it religiously.

I started watching his channel for the kill everything run, kept watching because his knowledge of this game borders on encyclopedic. The man could write a whole book on the minutia of Fallout probably from memory.

Well, mostly real.

Oh my, that was something else.

Can we have Sid Meier's Space Pirates?


Now playing

This and the Battleblock Theater run are the High points of this AGDQ by far. I almost died of laughter last night. Plus one of the devs signing the secret song...classic