
God, I’m sorry you wasted your dust on such a shitty card.

Mmmmm... Based Nico Nico Douga remix...

Totem Shaman might be able to stop both Patron Warrior and Face Hunter, most (all?) of the cards they’ll be playing will have 3+ attack, and they’ll have reasonably good board pressure, making Patron have to burn cards just to stabilize and make comboing off that much harder.

Totem Shaman is going to be amazing, I am so excited to drop totems for days. Totem Golem is freaking insane, and Tuskar Totemic has the potential to be somewhere between “acceptable” and “completely fucking busted”, depending on your luck.

It needs to be said just how completely CRAZY that Olmec strategy is.

Only need revered with the 3 Tanaan factions, you don’t need exalted with the others, or even revered with them.

I think a big issue with that is people not doing it properly. You can attack the siege engines significantly earlier than most people can. It’s fine for mythic guilds where they can blow the thing up in like 5-10 seconds. Same situation with the warlock dudes. Mythic guilds can heal through two of them just with raw

100% eggplant run seems to have bought it.

Sub 6 is my best time at this game... but I die horribly every time I use the teleporter to try and go faster. These people are effing crazy.

Interestingly enough, basically everything you have touched on here has been fixed, except the talent bush and “lack” of end game content (which I personally don’t see, BRF is fun and challenging, and I’ve never considered daily quests/rep grinds as real content).

1. The dungeons in WoD are reasonably difficult when

“And Scarlet Witch picks up Captain America’s shield almost as much as he does.”

Agreed 100% I think a large part of it is how important denying is in DotA/HoN and it being completely gone from LoL. It’s something so completely counter intuitive to LoL players that they have a hard time adjusting, but players going from DotA/HoN to LoL just lose out on a mechanic so it’s a lot easier to adjust.

Holy crap. I don’t even know what that last sentence even was, clearly I’m good at Englishing.

They have a small little mute button on the persons character portrait. I have no idea why other MOBAs don’t do that.

HoN has voice chat built in and it works really well, I think it’s one of the best parts of the game. They have a small little mute button on the persons character portrait and have no idea why other MOBAs doing that.

I think HoN has struck a reasonably good balance so that the 5 man death ball strategy is not viable for an entire game. Like at the end of the game you’ll get 2-3 good 5v5 team fights, but during the main portion of the game it’s a lot of 2-3-4 man skirmishes. I think that’s a lot more fun to watch than roaming 5 man

HoN did something similar a long time ago, trying to turn the game into a more team fight/push/etc based game instead of sitting and farming, and, in my opinion, that made the games far more entertaining to watch/play instead of the 50+ minute slog fests a lot of DotA games can become.

Not a typo. :P

Numberwise, yes definitely the hardest boss. Difficulty of execution... Eh not really? P1 and P3 are both super easy to do mechanically as long as people know how to not stand in the group. P2 can get a little crazy but once you know what the shit you’re doing it’s simple. I thought Mythic Grand Impregnator was more