Walter Moore

Congratulations, Mr. Ash78, on COTD! My award to you is a 4Runner which this lovely lady will deliver as soon as she finds her bathsalts.

.................the wrong way.

Now I kinda want to meet a stripper named Yeti.

Although, to that end, I suppose you could call every modern seven-plus seat unibody SUV a “van thing with a small lift” too.

If this is Skoda’s first SUV, what are we calling the Yeti? Are we now all agreed that it was just some kind of weird van thing with a small lift?

While we’re at it, my father in-law was actually an editor on this show! :)

I whore for internet points

Remember you had to wrap the whole story up in about 45 minutes too so the plot developments are just slightly above a school play......

It’s still MOSTLY safe, I promise.

Annnnnnnd there goes the safe space from Trump-bait.

Let's not. Any press about Trump is too much press about Trump.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: don't ever change, Torch.

Every other writer is green with envy.

This article definitely deserves the pHulitzer

Because of the bad pun or because our days with them are numbered?

I felt guilty starring this

Well researched. Well written. If your out of the job next week you should send this to Algaezeera. They’d love it.

Actual shirt I own