"Prius Plug-In Annihilates 21 Minute Mark on the 'Ring"
"Prius Plug-In Annihilates 21 Minute Mark on the 'Ring"
Why do people continue to regurgitate the lie that higher corporate profits will "create" jobs? The only thing that creates jobs is demand. No company is going to hire workers or build more factories simply because they can afford to. There has to be a NEED. A good way to create a demand for your products is to pay…
I toured a Ford plant at some point years ago and they told me that the labor costs for a $50,000 Ford F-150 came to a wopping $350-$400 per unit, I can't remember the exact figure but it was between those two. Apparently that cost is pretty consistent for everything they built, so a $20,000 product would be pretty…
We should all be so cool as to live and die like Raymond Loewy.
This is why we can't have nice things.
Today's the big day. You're just bought a Tesla Model S. You've waited so long. Saved up all that money. You're…
Side-wheel drive only. Feels funky that way.
Definitely not. My fiancee thinks it's one of the tackiest things she's ever seen, especially in that color.
We love fast wagons, and for all you Jalops in the Great White North here is an opportunity to purchase the original…
can't get more 90's than this
You mean the Opel Qmega?
"ATS is now Q3.
People severely criticized my mom for paying for cable. She never dated (too busy taking care of us) and she couldn't afford to go to lunch with friends ever. That was her entertainment. You need some kind of escape from life sometimes. Cable every month is less expensive than therapy, unfortunately.
Republicans tell me there are no white people on welfare. This story is a fabrication.
But how will I feel morally superior to strangers, Ari? How will being a tactful human being fulfill that need?!
Oh, but if we could do that, what would we do with all our leftover self righteousness?
They really need to quit pushing other down to make themselves taller. I have grew up dirt poor, upper poor, then to upper middle class. It felt like everyone wanted to tell us we were doing something wrong.