
FYI, despite owner claims, gasoline cars also dramatically lose efficiency at those speeds.  Most graphs show around 50 mph as the most efficient speed.... and then wind resistance starts becoming a bigger factor as speed increases.  

I got into home cameras when I was searching for a good baby monitor. Now I love seeing when someone drops a package at my front door, get notified when I left my garage door open for more than 2 hours, be able to turn off the lights in my bedroom without getting out of bed, and more importantly be able to say “Hey

There are a lot of things I wish I knew in my 20s. Who the president of the United States was isn’t one of them. 

“This young Guerrero Jr. is a star in the making, and Canadians have adopted them as their own. I propose we find an appropriate way to honor him, and I have a few ideas.”

I agree with you that in 2016 we had probably the 2 worst candidates we’ve ever had and that made a lot of dem voters just stay home.

Yeah. Their system keeps pushing up old stories again and again and again. It’s really misleading on some because you expect a story that’s on the main feed to actually be NEW.

VAR disallowing a goal, then giving England a penalty they miss, has to be the most England way of losing this match.

Levelle is so damn fast. For being just 5'4" she’s like lightning out there. And a cannon off the left foot.

Minimum wage should be pegged to cost of living and inflation, so that we don’t have to keep fighting this fight every few years as the effective buying power of the previous minimum wage increase deflates to less than before the increase.

Right?! Did they not call that?

lol dude picked up his dribble!

These Republicans fell victim to one of the classic blunders: Never get involved in a land flame war in Asia with a Millenial.

All true. The point of this blog was really just to show how weird this is, rather than to read anything more into it or to make any predictions off it.

Real close. But Christian Laettner puts the ‘92 team over the top.

That’s the issue. Was it possible to avoid the pedestrian without defying the laws of physics? Ask anyone who has hit a deer if they saw it coming or could have in any way avoided it.

I mean, they’re all good. But you can’t beat “bereft on the terf.” Good on ya.

only non-hungover person at work tomorrow.

Giselle, 2012: “My husband cannot fucking throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time.

Pretty sure his unborn child felt it.

Hope I’m not the only one who didn’t come anywhere close to getting this joke