
how does this not have more stars?

if i was i would be all over her.

somewhat trolling statement: Would this have occurred if she wasn’t attractive? is it woman in general or that fact that she is an attractive woman and asking him to keep his hands to himself would be to much.... I mean Trump is president...

yes, i was able to eventually figure it out. I meant that i don’t think a lot of people will see my comment and a larger explanation of offsides in soccer is actually two people not one that keeps you on side, may be necessary in the article it self as an update. I think this line “since Faríñez was just barely ahead

could you do a bit on why that second one was offsides? Ive played soccer for years, including college, and took a lot of reading to understand that it is actually two opposing players that are needed to be on-sides. It just usually the goalie is always the second one, so i never thought about it needing to be two.

what ever happened with this story?

the score was 82-80 after Chloe’s bucket not 83-81. the final score was 82-81, aslo I am suprised you dent mention RJ Barrett making  the exact same mistake against MSU

what about stretching after exercise? I feel like I noticed a huge difference in my muscle fatigue and mobility if i do or do not stretch after a hard work out/Run

Honestly, I think they hate her so much because its the girl they were secretly in love with in High School and College, but wanted nothing to do with them. Like the Tv show Dharma and Greg, but instead AOC didn’t look at them.

I don’t think that is true. I have family that are not racist, but they were anti abortion and wear very physically conservative. They hate how ridicules the republican party has become. They don’t care about a small government or being physically responsible. (I am not Conservative, but I did at least understand

I vote for a live action version of this, it looks amazing.

what i found also insane is that three days before the Suns dropped 107 on the Nuggets, the Nuggets dropped 90 on someone else. That is some James Harden level Defense

i think you are missing a word: “As an adult, I wish J.K. Rowling would just me enjoy her books in peace. “

I have gone back and forth on this in my head millions of time playing with Women in sports (Soccer, Volleyball). Is it sexiest for me to take it easier on them and not hit it as hard as i can like I would if a Guy was in front of me? Or is it sexiest of me to hit it as hard as i can regardless of who it is and if

that wasnt even close to the worst one. did you watch the iran vs spain game... ridicules

how do i preorder the damn thing?

how do i preorder the damn thing?

yeah i know several people that have hit deer....didn’t the brakes until after it hit the car. Really hard to say what happened without seeing a replication of the hit. (No i don’t want to see the actual video, a model would be sufficient)

you forgot “because no on outside of New England wants to see the pats in another superbowl.”

Signed in just to Star this

i hope they never identify the things soccer players say back and forth during a game....some of the things I heard...I would be laughing midgame.