
Some of us are stupid and used our real first and last names....

Amazing. Let’s rub our gay hands over all forms of media until they’re huddled in the corner watching Duck Dynasty on a small black & white CRT, sobbing.

Other political references in the alternate version of Chapter 13 include the lines “you’re the puppet” and “fake news.” Yes, really.

This is clearly not going to mean anything to you but... you know it costs money to add stuff to a game right? Like, after you consider paying devs and marketing, it literally costs money to release a patch. There’s a fee.

You don’t notice the neighbor’s grass if you’re happy in your own yard.

So many of these are about triangles. What am I doing wrong that I can’t meet one good person and hit it off with them? (Aside from being completely broke, out of shape, unemployed, having zero self-esteem, having no friends, never leaving the house because people make me uncomfortable, and generally being broken as a

Buckle up for the comments on this one.

PDP is nothing more than an idiot sellout who discovered he could screech “rape” over amnesia 10,000 times and preteens would eat it up. Then blaming SJWs for not “getting it” and basically refusing to apologize at all. During a monetized “apology video”.

Whitewashing the major, one of the most iconic Asian female characters of all time, already shows the producers don’t have enough respect for the source material.

Personally I like the branching choices and variety of equipment that you can bring to each scenario.

Meh, I played it for a couple years and it got boring. Gave it up like 10 years ago and haven’t looked back.