
the regret is all too real.

this is a pretty shitty title. he went through SO much when the scandal happened, why can't you just say "new voice actor due to retirement" or something. stupid clickbait. 

mines nothing embarrassing but it is my first and last name... and 1) i really hate my last name now and 2) why did i ever think i would want people online to know it???? i never play online anyways but still. can’t waaaait.

lmfao yes death note is so insanely popular because every single person who likes it is emotionally aloof........... well done you’ve figured it all out.

“And that’s where stuff like this comes in. The North Koreans would lose their shit and throw a tantrum if a South Korean company was allowed to portray themselves as being from THE “Korea” at a Chinese event.”

this is now my ultimate goal in life.

dude, why are you so salty about this game? go back to your repetitive AAA games.

no no no no. stay away. there is no characterisation in SAO.