Moon Rivers

I had to laugh. I have an aunt (not blood) who is married to another Jamaican with a Chinese surname. She is convinced and I agree with her that when her bank merged with an Asian bank, this is why she kept her job. She said when she walked in to meet the new team, they were visibly stunned because they were not

You're a true artist. That takes skill.

It's incredible. I kept looking for proof that it was two different women but couldn't find any.

I was thinking she had nice lips and good bones. About her nose though. I didn't know contouring could make such a drastic change! I don't wear makeup so I know nothing except what I read. When celebrities are accused of nose jobs, they point to makeup contouring and I always thought most of them were lying but if

Oh, it happens. "What are you?" "You can't be just black black. You must be mixed." "You're a mulatto, right?" These are questions I've gotten and they're not even the worst. People can be grossly invasive.

Better! Always.

I thought this might be an exaggeration until I saw who wrote it. Thank you for brightening my day with this tidbit.

He did! It was bugging me who he reminded me of. As someone said in another post, he should have gone more orange.

I'm just loving your first sentence. I had no idea where it was going.

I just summed it up for my friend who got bored halfway through.


I think you're right. Tara Reid has the "American Pie" connection with Jason Biggs plus she is redefining faded on the regular.

He was Owen, the bartender.

Anyone would look dowdy in this stuff. They make Rashida Jones look dowdy. This article was eye opening though because I would have thought this stuff did come from Sears.

I don't think that's the case. I've never seen such hideous clothes. My mouth is still open. The one decent thing was the blazer.

I was raised to believe that any discussion of money is tacky. Judging by the responses to your post and lcchillin419's ill advised confession thread up top, I'm very thankful to my family for that rule right now. People wile out about politics and religion, yeah but geez, nothing gets people going like money.

Funny, my law degree hasn't brought me comfort or stability.

Yes! The new production team has been showing the real Melissa this season and I love it. She can't cook. I doubt she knows a mop from a broom. She leaves her kids with her sisters. This whole book is nonsense because Melissa is not the person she pretends to be in it. It's sweet that people feel sorry for her but I

Comedy gold.

Good for you being nice enough to think it might be true. You must be a sweet person.