Moon Rivers

That was the third or fourth time I read that so I went back and looked. I think it's the angle and her mouth being open that make her look like Rumer. There's also something about her cheeks: Rumer Willis

I really think Drake would do that...


I like the "some wise ass, me".

I thought the character's name was Brick?


Those earrings were very popular when I was about 10 or so. Think of them as retro ghetto chic.

I have a short torso so this is dear to my heart. I feel like the dress emphasizes her short torso and makes her hips look really wide.

Awww!!! Thank you very much. That was hilarious. I love Key & Peele.

Because there is none. We're seeing bones.

There's a link in the article. Does it not work?

Yes!! Why is she not nominated?!

Hahaha. I meant I don't know if you're a girl or a boy.

As long as he has no idea, you hold the power. Let him chase you, girl.

I like where your head's at. She is the only reason I'll even turn on the Emmys tonight.

I was confused about the photo of Ava Hessington from Suits with long hair until I realized Michelle Fairley is also on Game of Thrones.

What made the water fishy?

I'll have to check Stop & Shop. I've never seen it but I probably didn't look hard enough. I'm Jamaican so that's where I used to drink it as a kid. I feel like it's big in England, its colonies, and Canada. America, not so much.

Yeah, working on that is a good idea. I can't imagine letting someone get away with slapping me. I'm nice but not that nice.

You're not crazy. Scandal isn't perfect but it is awesome, yes.