Not vying for the contest, but the Ouija story brought back my own Oujia memories...
Not vying for the contest, but the Ouija story brought back my own Oujia memories...
Instagram is all about posting photos of your supposedly best life to make others feel ‘lesser than’ and anxious that they don’t have the same kind of life.
She went from saying someone in Biden’s office sexually harassed her, then Biden himself touched her hair, and then Biden digitally raped her.
I agree with that, but I would add: if you don’t find her credible, or don’t fully trust her story, don’t malign her and tear her down. I can’t watch the country attempt to shred this woman into pieces if they don’t believe her.
Yeah I wish people were able to be honest in just saying “I don’t want to believe her”, or even a vague “it just doesn’t feel right to me”, rather than trying to intellectualise it in ways they wouldn’t for other accusers. These attempts to discredit her story on an ad hominem basis are bad for all of us, and they…
Thank you. I can’t really engage in these comment sections anymore for my own mental health as a survivor, but exactly. There’s no right way for survivors to come forward, and evidence is always stacked against them. It’s like something so traumatic happens, and then when you try to tell the story people are so ready…
When I first started acknowledging that I had been assaulted, the story escalated over time as I grew more honest with myself, and braver that people weren’t going to respond with dismissal or cruelty. Like, I literally said “it wasn’t rape or anything” multiple times to people - it took me years of therapy to…
I mean, if you throw a rock at a group of lawyers, chances that it will hit one who is conservative and donates to republican causes is pretty high. Lawyers as a professional group, tend to male, white and often wealthy. Basing your perspectives on what the legal counsel does or did is a terrible look. I mean if we go…
Well to be fair, there wasn’t a black man involved.
That’s my good friend Marianne Willman. We didn’t write together, but had novellas in the same anthologies. Btw, I have no plans to stop writing the In Death series.
I never really understood how physical touch can be used to control and demean, until I started using a power wheelchair. Previously, I don’t think I’d been touched more than a few times without consent (usually by overly-friendly “bros” putting a hand on or around my shoulder).
I had a white woman tell me that when she got drunk she wandered around the bar just touching everybody’s hair. She was like “It’s not racist! I pet everybody!” To which I replied “That sounds really annoying,” which hurt her feelings.
do white people ask to touch/pet other white people’s hair, or is it only a black thing?
I must ask, do white people ask to touch/pet other white people’s hair, or is it only a black thing? I’ve never had a desire to just touch a person’s hair (unless I was otherwise attracted to the woman and it was such a moment and relationship that it might be considered appropriate), black, white, whatever. Short,…
Ashley Graham (like the plus size model) Ashley Graham? The woman who is involved with a black man did that? The woman who advocates for plus size modeling / body positive movement to not judge people, did that? The woman who should know that denigrating another culture or customs for a cute soundbite, decided to do…
You know what, I am just gonna say what we ARE all thinking here people! I DO like a Pat Benatar ditty! And I am not ashamed.
I posted a story last year kind of late and don’t think I got out of the greys, so here’s to traditions. This is a new one.
I live in a condo complex of attached townhouses. On one side there’s an older lady (in her very late 80s) and two of her middle aged children. They’re all pretty friendly, in that old Italian…
Can we separate out the “spooky ghost” stories from the “scary person” stories? Just so I know what I am getting into when I start reading.
Entirely possible. Though they knew when no one was home during the day. Who knows.